Eco Mommies Unite!
When the organic, gluten-free bun hits your oven one of the first things many new families think is “What do I need?” You’d be surprised how many accoutrements one little bean necessitates, and even with an experienced legion of Mommy friends recommending the best of the best, you may find yourself doing emergency BuyBuy Baby runs in the first weeks. Our founder Chloé Jo Davis just had her second baby boy (adorable Freedom Midnight) and these are her current musts and go-to’s;
Patem Changing Pads

Invented by mom of 4 Grace Welch, patemm pads are PVC, lead, phthalate, BPA, formaldehyde, and latex-free and many are organic. We love the revolutionary round design (with little pockets to hold diapers and wipes,) it makes changing baby on the go relatively effortless.
Belly Bandit

The eco-friendly Bamboo Belly Bandit in specialized graded elastic helps to aid in tightening the belly, minimizing stretch marks and supporting core muscle structure. You’d be surprised how comfortable the compression feels when your balloon tummy is deflating. Wear this tummy tamer right after birth to decrease discomfort and increase quick muscle strengthening.
EarthMama AngelBaby
Nothing in this line doesn’t deliver, from the all natural diaper creams, vegan nipple creams (the only one on the market that doesn’t contain sheep sweat aka Lanolin), and breastmilk encouraging teas – we say register for everything they make.

Arms Reach Co-Sleeper
Want to get a decent night sleep without baby next to you in bed, but still want to co-sleep? Here’s the other option. The Arms Reach Co-sleeper (organic options) latches onto your bed for easy breastfeeding access and closeness that has been known to reduce the risk of SIDS. Making it even more eco-friendly, it can also be used as a bassinet if you pull up the side. Pockets all around and storage underneath make it excellent for holding anything you’ll need in the night.

Kicky Pants Baby Clothes
The softest baby clothes that ever were and ever will be, this bamboo line of clothes are the most worn in our house. The number one rule for dressing baby should be comfort, and there is nothing Kicky Pants makes that isn’t unbearably soft and cozy… not to mention outrageously adorable.

Polarn O. Pyret Outfits
When it’s time to show off baby, this chic line is so well made and gorgeous – you can’t go wrong with anything that comes from their design geniuses. Many of their pieces are made using recycled materials from PET scraps, they even have a whole eco section of their shopping site.

Petite Frites Burpies
Move over Aden & Anais, we have a new favorite line of burp clothes even softer than you. Founded by parents Lisa and Curzon Peier who left successful corporate careers behind in rainy London to pursue their dream of launching smart, stylish products for children in sunny California, Petites Frites’ accomplish their mission to make eco-friendly, unfussy baby products that look stylish. Made out of 65% unbleached cotton, 35% lyocell (bamboo) and olored with low-impact, baby-friendly dyes – you can feel safe having these comfy cloths close to their tiny punims.

Snug Science Stroller Insert
Made of totally eco materials (including the worlds softest faux fur) this stroller insert (with sleeves!) will keep baby toasty all winter without the need for a jacket. It’s genius on 100 levels. Learn more about in our full review here.

Mess Free, High Nutrition Snacks
When you have a baby on the boobs 24/7, the only way to get any nutrition is by grabbing whatever is closest to your rocker and eating while nursing (remember, you have to eat an extra 500 calories at least per day when nursing.)
Some of our go to snacks;
Primal Strips
High protein, totally delicious vegan jerky.

Soy Nuts
Protein is a must for energy and breastfeeding, here’s an easy non-gmo, organic, and delicious way to get it in where there is no prep and it’s always tasty.

Fresh Juices
When you are carb loading after numerous sleepless nights, you need to ensure some form of real nutrition. That’s when pricy ready-made juices come in. Though expensive, that (and a baby nurse) may be the best money you ever spend. Visiting a new parent? A bag of juices from a place like Organic Avenue, Juice Press, or your local juice spot is the ultimate gift that will be appreciated far more than a bouquet of flowers.

Lara Bars
Quick, tasty, nutritious, and easy to eat with one hand – have a stack of these to bring to the hospital and keep a box or two at home for those 3am snack attacks.

Becco Baby Carrier
Every Mama prefers a different carrier, and if at all possible attend a baby wearing class at MetroMinis to learn which carrier is best for you (or call them, they are endlessly knowledgeable about all things cloth diapering, attachment parenting, and babywearing!) but our favorite has always been the Becco – easy to put on, supportive, and comes in adorable prints.. it’s a no-brainer and will make your life a billion times easier down the road.

Jade Trau Conflict-Free Diamond Jewelry
You pushed out a football, you deserve a push present! If the bills are paid and a college savings account is already underway, let him buy you something lavish. It may help you feel prettier when all you’ll wear for the next few months is sweatpants and ancient hair scrunchy’s. We love Jade Trau because she will work with your partner to design something perfect and unique especially for you that nobody else will have. This is a perfect time to design something around baby’s initials to keep close to your heart forevermore. All her stones are certified conflict free and she uses recycled gold and platinum upon request.

Ameda Pump
You need a pump for the occasional partner/ Daddy/ Grandma/ baby nurse feed. Make sure you get a good one, it’s worth the investment.

Pretty Pushers Labor Gowns
You may as well have good cleavage while enduring the ring of fire. Pretty Pushers labor gowns negate the need for gross hospital gowns and can handle your breastfeeding, iv, fetal heart rate moniter, and epidural needs with special cut outs.

Looking for a what to register for list of products? Read What A Babe(y) Wants: What To Register For When You Are Knocked Up And Overwhelmed.
From the GirlieGirl Army Baby Files:
- The Most Gorgeous Maternity Clothes Ever
- Veg Family Reading … From Start to Finish!
- Alternative Diapering 101
- Natural Pregnancy: Going With The Flow
- Life-Changingly Simple Advice For New Moms
- An Experienced Doula’s Tips for a Holistic Pregnancy and Birth
- Start a Group for Vegan Parents And Kids in Your City!
- How To Raise Socially Responsible Rugrats
- Raising a Child According to Your Values
- The Breast Advice You Ever Got: Breastfeeding 101
- The First Few Weeks Of Pregnancy: Downlow and Pregs
- How To Usher In The Soul Of A Saint In Your Baby: How Chanting Can Bring You An Extra Special Baby
- How To Feed Your Vegan Toddler
- Breastfeeding: Keeping A High Milk Supply Naturally