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Bill Maher Loves Horses, Hates Liam Neeson

Bill Maher Loves Horses, Hates Liam Neeson

NYC-native Bill Maher’s “life-long fandom of Liam Neeson has ended” and he avoids Central Park hotels as he “would smell the horse shit and be constantly aware of this abuse going on” in New York’s controversial carriage horse trade. Liam Neeson recently backed the cruel horse carriage industry in the media.

The HBO “Real Time” star sounds off In an exclusive new video posted today by PETA, in which he voices support for ending the unsafe and inhumane horse carriage trade, which has been implicated in multiple cruelty cases and accidents in recent months. The video was shot at PETA’s Stand Up for Animals benefit at LA’s Comedy Store on Sunday night, which Maher headlined.

“My life-long Liam Neeson fandom has ended, I can’t stand to look at him. Why a guy would go out of his way to champion animal abuse, I have no idea,” Maher says in the video. “I actually moved hotels – I used to stay on Central Park and I would smell the horse shit and be constantly aware of this abuse going on and it bothered me and I had to move the hotel to someplace where I wasn’t thinking about it all the time.”

Watch the whole video here:

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