Following the release of an eyewitness exposé that revealed that 1-year-old ostriches are electrically shocked and have their throats slit for “luxury” ostrich-skin bags, shoes, and wallets, PETA has become a Prada shareholder in order to attend the company’s annual meetings and officially call for an end to all exotic-skins sales. This brilliant move has officially check-mated Prada and will surely create an ethical tornado within the company.
“Every pockmarked Prada purse represents a young, sensitive, and terrified ostrich who was hung upside down, shocked, plucked, and slaughtered,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is taking the fight against cruelty straight to Prada’s boardroom and demanding a permanent end to ostrich-skin handbags.”
As documented in video footage released by PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—the largest ostrich-skin companies in the world keep young ostriches in barren dirt feedlots until they’re trucked to slaughter at just 1 year old, far short of their natural 40-year life span. At the slaughterhouse, frightened birds are turned upside down in a stunner, have their throats slit, and have their feathers plucked out to create the bumpy-textured skin used for Prada bags.
Because this is really necessary, considering the humane alternatives like the new eco- leather made from pineapple or tea. Grab that sarcasm, and put it in your smoothie this morning.
That for this:

Worth it?
Kind alternative:

See a long list of other cruelty-free black faux-leather and ostrich backpack alternatives here. And see our list of all the vegan bag brands here.