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GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloé Jo Davis On Motherhood, Veganism, & Having It All

GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloé Jo Davis On Motherhood, Veganism, & Having It All

Celebrity Catwalk TV is like an Eco/Animal friendly ‘Entertainment Tonight’ highlighting juicy nuggets and great people in the world of eco/animal fashion, lifestyle, pets, and conscious living on local cable in New York City. We’ve been waiting for a show like this our whole lives! Affiliated with the non profit of the same name, wherein celebrities lend their time and talent for charity, raising funds and awareness for National Animal Rescue via runway shows and events, Celebrity Catwalk TV elevates fan interaction with all your favorite animal-friendly notables.

In case you missed it, our very own GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloé Jo Davis was interviewed last night about being the OG of eco fashion blogging, and her love of animals, veganism, motherhood, and the notion of “having it all.”

Watch it here:

See Also

Celebrity Catwalk Sundays at 7:00pm Time Warner (56) RCN (83) Verizon (34) or you can see it streaming live at via your laptop and all episodes are loaded to youtube