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Dolce & Gabbana Selling Maggot Fur Coats

Dolce & Gabbana Selling Maggot Fur Coats

Dolce & Gabbana Selling Maggot Fur Coats

Dolce & Gabbana is, once again, under fire after new video footage (below) shows the horrors of minks suffering on squalid farms that supply the company. This new PETA exposé reveals pools of waste crawling with maggots on canadian mink farms, proving once again, the toxicity, horrors, and unnecessary evil of wearing animal skins.

PETA is calling on Dolce & Gabbana—which sells mink bags, shoes, and coats, among other fur items—to join Giorgio Armani, Jimmy Choo, Gucci, Michael Kors, and dozens of other top designers and brands in banning fur.

PETA’s exposé, created from footage captured by an eyewitness named Malcolm Klimowicz, reveals that minks on these farms are crammed into small cages with wire floors that dig into their feet. Cobwebs and rust cover their cages, while heaps of excrement and pools of waste infested with maggots decay below them. The severe crowding leads to fighting, injury, and even death. Several minks were missing ears, one animal’s head had an open sore on it, and others had to climb over the decomposing body of a dead cagemate.

“When so many designers and brands, including Giorgio Armani, Gucci, and Michael Kors, are embracing warm and stylish animal-free options, it’s unconscionable for Dolce & Gabbana to keep clinging to animal fur,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA’s latest exposé shows once again that fur coats, collars, and cuffs sentence sensitive animals to a miserable life inside fur farms’ tiny, filthy wire cages.”

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PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—notes that minks are solitary, semiaquatic animals who can occupy thousands of acres of wetland habitat in the wild. But on fur farms, they’re confined to severely crowded cages without adequate space to groom, eliminate, nest, care for their young, and rest. PETA’s exposé shows that minks frantically pace back and forth, while others gnaw on the rusty wires of the cages—signs of zoochosis, or captivity-induced insanity.

There is NO rationalizing that makes this okay.
There is NO rationalizing that makes this okay.

There is no world where we can rationalize such cruelty. There is no look worth this level of cruel karma. Speak out, donate old furs to the homeless or wildlife, and only ever buy faux!