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Mink Fur Production Drops To Historic All-Time Low In The Us  

Mink Fur Production Drops To Historic All-Time Low In The Us  

Mink Fur Production Drops To Historic All-Time Low In The Us  

According to the Humane Society, the number of mink killed last year for their fur dropped 49% to 1.4 million, the lowest number on record. Every year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture releases a report on mink fur production, and this year’s report shows a promising outlook for mink, a species that suffers immeasurably for nothing but trim on a jacket, a pom on a hat or purse or eyelash extensions.

Photo via HSUS

Kitty Block, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and Sara Amundson, president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund wrote in their joint blog today:

“The number of mink killed last year for their fur dropped 49% to 1.4 million, the lowest number on record according to USDA reports going back to 1975. This means that more than a million mink were spared from having to endure an unnatural life in a filthy cage and a death in a gas chamber. It’s also a sign that our campaigns against fur in the fashion industry and consumer markets are succeeding in making the point. No animal should suffer so much for something so frivolous.”

The pandemic revealed one more reason why mink farming must come to an end. Mink are especially susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, and the virus can jump back and forth between mink and humans, as well as from farmed mink to wild populations. Mink fur farms can incubate dangerous mutations that could potentially undermine the efficacy of vaccines. Outbreaks have occurred on more than 430 mink fur farms in the US, Canada and the EU, and that number continues to rise. More than 20 million mink were killed, and several countries have suspended or completely ended mink fur production. Estonia became the latest country to ban fur farming just last month.

See Also
Los Angeles Just Banned The Sale Of Fur!

With many top designers now dumping fur, and the massive increase in high-end brands offering faux alternatives – there is 100% never a reason to buy real fur.  Have an old fur coat? Donate it to a wildlife rehab facility to rehabilitate orphaned wildlife babies. Making kind choices is always in style.