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Ingrid Newkirk’s Easy Ways to Help Animals

Ingrid Newkirk’s Easy Ways to Help Animals

Love her or hate her.. Ingrid Newkirk is undoubtedly the Mother of the animal rights movement.   As   co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the world’s largest animal rights organization, Newkirk has fought (and won) numerous battles for the voiceless.   Before all of you with serious PETA issues (BSL, “demeaning women”, et all) get your panties in a bunch.. lettuce remember that NO animal rights organization is perfect, but they all do crucial work for the animals in their own way.   For example, no organization has been as successful in getting people to go veg in a huge commercial way as PETA.   As serious animal lovers (and vegans) at GirlieGirl Army Headquarters, we support all and any organization doing work on behalf of the animals… and we also see (and totally understand) your problems with every single one of them.

In this new video (below) Newkirk shares some super helpful and very easy tips on how to help animals, and discusses the importance of our favorite movie Earthlings.

See Also

Haven’t seen Earthlings?   There may not be a documentary that will change your world view as much as Earthlings will.   Netflix or buy it online stat.. then hold a screening for your posse asap.