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Sassy Green Kick Smoothie

Sassy Green Kick Smoothie

If you are anything like us you’ve been eating a little recklessly, summer clothes be damned. But we all know now is the time, with an abundance of fresh local produce, to get blending and in peak condition. Even grumpy GGA husbands agree that they feel more inspired and dramatically energized after a superfood morning smoothie!

In 365 VEGAN SMOOTHIES, Kathy Patalsky, friend to GGA and blogger at the wildly popular Healthy. Happy. Life., dives into the world of smoothies like never before, with brand new recipes to tempt your taste buds and inspire a lifelong wellness lifestyle. In addition to beautiful full-color photographs (taken by the author herself), 365 VEGAN SMOOTHIES also provides a summary of the nutritional properties and benefits of each of the ingredients used and tips on how to stock your smoothie pantry. Vegan or not, you will definitely be inspired to grab some fruits and veggies and get blending… hopefully every single day for the next year.

Start with this pile of green goodness;


See Also
Vegan Mocha Tahini Milkshake Ingredients

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