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My Friend Alicia Silverstone Wants This For Her Birthday

My Friend Alicia Silverstone Wants This For Her Birthday

She’s a supermom, super activist, and super kind – so it’s no surprise that in lieu of gifts for her 40th, my friend Alicia asked for this:

alicia-silverstonePIN IT

“my 40th birthday is coming up and in lieu of gifts i’m hoping to fund 4 new wells for communities without clean water.

your contribution will help fund water projects through the organization, charity: water. every $10,000 equates to a new well put in!

i can’t think of a better 40th birthday gift than having 4 clean water wells in 4 communities. what a serious honor that would be!

663 million people live without access to safe, clean water. that’s nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide.. everyday, millions of women and children walk hours to get water for their families and it’s not even clean once they get it.

having sustainable (in that we’re not just dropping off big cases of plastic water bottles but instead employing locals to build and help maintain the infrastructure) access to clean water = health, education, and income (because when a community gets water, women and girls get their lives and time back.. gaining the ability to start businesses, improve their homes, and take charge of their own futures.)

100% of every donation will directly fund these projects! in fact, each donation is “proved” and tracked via GPS coordinates to the village it helped when projects are complete. how awesome is that??

for more information on charity: water, check out this video:

See Also
Water For All: One Very Simple Way To Help People & Animals During Hard Times

here’s the direct link to make a donation for my birthday

thank SO much

sending you love!”

Alicia is a force of good in this world. People like her should be applauded and assisted towards their visionary goals. Let’s all donate what we can in honor of wonderful Alicia and her mission of pure kindness. Happy Birthday, Alicia! ?

Chloé Jo Davis is the founder of, a writer, activist, and Mother of 3 in NYC.