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Elizabeth Taylor: Fur Hag Or Hero?

Elizabeth Taylor: Fur Hag Or Hero?

While Hollywood, the media, and publications all over the world laud Elizabeth Taylor as a hero and angel philanthropist, Carole Raphaelle Davis (via her dog, Jinky) questions the true impact the violet eyed vixen left on the world.  Even here at GGA, we were quick to send out a RIP tweet (GirlieGirlArmy “There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look behind them. Elizabeth Taylor. RIP,”) before reading this post, entitled; “Elizabeth Taylor Dies, Leaving Hundreds of Dead Animals and Blood Diamonds in Closet.”  Oh yea, we thought.  She WAS a fur hag… a really bad one who flew her (purebred maltese) dogs first class while wearing the skins of countless of other animals who weren’t as lucky.  Even if you respect Taylor’s work for the LGBT community, it’s worth noting the harm she caused in other areas as the rest of the world deifies her blindly.

A Dog’s Rant About Liz Taylor

Liz Taylor was a great actress, I’ll give you that. And she raised a lot of money and awareness for victims of HIV AIDS. But, like the rest of us, she wasn’t perfect.  I know you’re supposed to revere celebrities, especially dead celebrities, but I’m a dog so I don’t roll like that. A dog doesn’t have to be politically correct. So I’m going to say it.  This old actress had an awful lot of dead animals in her closet. This movie star that everybody is crying about today owned more fur than the entire country of Tanzania. I looked at hundreds of pictures of her today and she looked like she really liked sweltering and posing with dead animals. There are a few pictures of her with little furry live animals, and they all look more like the property of the prop department at Paramount than her friends.

There are some pictures of her with a store-bought Maltese dog, but never the same dog! It’s like she would buy one for a “roll” down a red carpet and then, when the carpet ended, so did the dog. What happened to all those Maltese dogs? Didn’t they ever get get old? And, the few pictures of her with bunnies and puppies are way outnumbered by pictures of her draping dead animals over sequins, beads and gold lamé. Right up to the end, like at her last birthday party, there she was, wheeled into the spotlight, draped in two dead, white foxes. Ouch. You know, foxes are trapped and they lie there dying for days sometimes before they are skinned alive. “Hey, Liz! Thanks for bringing us to the after party!” I know a lot of people were dying to have their picture taken with Liz but way too many foxes, chinchillas, lynx, minks and coyotes literally died to get their picture taken with her.

And what about her obsession with diamonds? Liz Taylor had a lot of diamonds. Liz Taylor liked diamonds so much she named her perfume, Diamonds! Did she know how much blood has been shed for diamonds? Did she not know how many child laborers have had their hands chopped off for diamonds? That’s why they call them blood diamonds!

Her favorite diamond, the 33 karat Krupp, had belonged to a guy whowas accused of war crimes against Jews during the holocaust. Richard Burton gave her that big, shiny, holocaust memorial-diamond and she seemed to think it looked really splashy with her dead foxes. Set against the fur, it sparkled like a million paparazzi bulbs.

Almost everybody admires Liz for her fundraising for AIDS research and yeah, that’s cool to want sick people to get better. But from my point of view, a dog, I’m sorta wondering what kind of hell those pregnant monkeys were living in when the vivisectors from NIH were injecting them with the AIDS virus. Did Liz ever ask what happened to all those animals who were tortured for the medical research she was promoting? I don’t think so. I’m surprised she didn’t ask for their fur. A monkey’s coat wouldn’t even require that much “Liz Tailoring.” Hm….

And everybody is talking about how loyal she was. I’m a dog; I know loyal. It means sticking with one person through thick and thin. How could Liz be loyal to eight husbands? Sounds more like a home-wrecker to me. i I guess she was loyal to Michael Jackson. She stood by him and not his victims. She never wavered in supporting him instead of the children he molested.

See Also
Glad Dogs Nation receives donations of stuffed toys through the efforts of caring individuals and businesses, community groups, schools, Girl/Boy Scouts, and others.

“I’m not a monster! I’m NOT,” she yelled in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf. She won an Academy Award for that, but I think she was type-cast.

Written by Jinky, as told to Carole Raphaelle Davis. Carole Raphaelle Davis is the West Coast Director of the Companion Animal Protection Society.  You can read her blogs via Jinky at  She believes “If you save just one life, it is as if you saved the entire world.”