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Bone Appétit! 41% Of Pet Owners Make A Special Holiday Meal For Their Pets (And Other Data!)

Bone Appétit! 41% Of Pet Owners Make A Special Holiday Meal For Their Pets (And Other Data!)

Wild Earth, shows that pet parents love including their furry friends on special occasions. As if we didn’t know! Some of the latest holiday pet statistics include:

  • >> 93.5% of pet owners will do something special during the Holiday season! Only 6.5% of pet owners don’t do anything special with their pets – which means a whopping 93.5% of you DO! Pets are truly part of our families, so it makes sense that they are involved in our celebrations.
  • >> 33% will dress their pets up for the occasion This year, grab a few sizes of your favorite holiday outfit. People everywhere are dressing their pooches up in their favorite accessories and costumes. A little bow or Santa hat is the perfect addition to any pet’s wardrobe.
  • >> 26% do a pet photo shoot Gathering the whole family for a photo takes divine intervention, but your pet is always ready to get their cute picture taken. A pet photoshoot is sure to make your pup the star of the holiday card.
  • >> 41% of people make a special meal Bone appétit! The holidays are the time to try out new recipes and cook your family’s traditional favorites. You can whip up a special dish for your pet using clean, high-protein ingredients such as spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots and even cranberry sauce.
  • >> 58% will buy a gift for their pet Unwrapping presents isn’t just for our human family. Pets are part of your family too, so treat them to a special and healthy gift like these flavorful Superfood Dog Treats you know they will just love. (GGA’s holiday gift guide is full of fabulous gifts for your pets that will still come in time!)
No matter what you do, we know anyone reading this website will surely include their beloved family members (aka PETS!) in any and all celebrations! Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash]]>