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Watch World Peace Happen

Watch World Peace Happen

Maybe you’ve heard us talk about the World Peace Yoga Conference (now named World Peace Yoga & Jubilee) before, but this past October we attended for the first time. And it was really freaking magical.  Can you believe this is the only truly vegan yoga conference that actually exists in the USA!!  The people involved in WPJ are so full of heart, cool, loving, brilliant, gifted and life-long friendship-worthy – that we couldn’t wait to spill the beans on next years happening!  The food was vegan, organic like we’ve never had before – yes, that good.  Not to mention the classes – master classes taught by some of the most legendary yogi’s, minds, doctors, teachers of our time (think: Sharon Gannon, Ingrid Newkirk, Gabriel Cousens, Julia “Butterfly” Hill, Colleen Patrick-Goudreu, etc etc.) So when our dear friends (and the creators of this miraculous event) Mark Stroud and Anna Ferguson sent us the video (below) that shows some of the magic from this past October, we couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Why do we care? Because the people who put on this event do so simply to promote world peace and veganism.  They are angels walking amongst us and we want them to succeed.  Not to mention, you’ll have a really amazing weekend if you attend.  You’ll do the best yoga classes of your life from teachers you may never have otherwise had the pleasure of being taught by, you’ll expand your mind in really well-thought out courses by some of your idols, you’ll eat really, really well, you’ll meet hotties (if single) and snuggle next to the fire at night, or you’ll meet other marrieds and their kids – either way, you’ll be living amongst like-minded individuals for days.  Such bliss! And… bring the kids – the kids programs are wonderful. Deaf yoga and interpretation is offered.

Get your arse tickets to the conference for next year now to join us, because you’ll get deals if you buy your tickets in advance!

More than a conference, the World Peace & Yoga Jubilee is a time of rejoicing, a time of exulting, a time of jubilation!

Why “Jubilee”?

See Also

Celebrating the end of the civil war, more than fifty thousand people attended the National Peace Jubilee Concert in 1869 in Boston, Massachusetts. Because of the concert’s success, it was followed by the World’s Peace Jubilee another music event that in 1872 marked the ending of the brutal Franco-Prussian war. Featured singers at this event were the Jubilee Singers from Fisk University, a predominately African American college located in the southern United States. Starting in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Jubilee Singers went on a concert tour following the path of the underground-railroad. Their persistent and triumphant journey inspired and captivated audiences unaccustomed to African American culture and freedom, all across the country. We jubilantly continue this tradition of celebration, forgiveness and peace with the 2011 World Peace and Yoga Jubilee. More than a conference this gathering will celebrate as in the past a future where all are forgiven and all beings enslaved everywhere are happy and free once and for all.

Book your tickets here asap.