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Send a Valentine to a Chained Dog!

Send a Valentine to a Chained Dog!

There are millions of dogs in this country who suffer terribly because they are kept chained outside 24-7. That is, they are constantly chained to a doghouse, fence, garage, or post, left to endure rain, snow, wind, heat, and cold. They suffer from severe agitation and loneliness because they can’t go for a walk, play in a park, or feel the tenderness of human affection. Needless to say, these dogs are usually not fed well or given proper veterinary care. As you might imagine, most die young. During the winter, many dogs are found frozen to the ground and in the summer, dead of heatstroke.   Make you want to do something?

Dogs Deserve Better is a kick-ass nonprofit organization   that is trying to end dog chaining through education and legislation. In fact, they were very instrumental in getting a law passed in California that prohibits dogs from being chained for more than three hours in any 24-hour period!

For Valentine’s Day, DDB sees another opportunity to educate people who are chaining their dogs by sending them Valentines! Each of us can be part of their effort by making Valentines and/or providing addresses of chained dogs so that Valentines can be sent anonymously on our behalf. To get the full, fun, creative scoop, click here.

Note: if you can’t participate in any of the ways listed, please consider making a donation, even if it’s small. DDB really deserves our support.

See Also

Send a Valentine to a Chained Dog!

And while we are talkin’ dogs, we here at GirlieGirl Army hope you consider adoption.   We list weekly dogs (and cats) in our weekly newsletter (sign up!) and on our facebook page who need homes in ALL states, and so hope you have room in your heart and home to foster and/ or adopt. 800 dogs get put down in the United States PER hour, please don’t consider buying an animal – every time a breeder or petstore animal is bought – thousands of others die. An adopted dog wouldn’t love you any less than one bought. The devastating thing is – you can definitely adopt pure breeds from shelters – a simple search on will show you how easily. You could find whatever breed you wish for (though I’m personally a big fan of mutts which have no health problems and live long lives!) to adopt easily. Those who breed millions of dogs and cats each year for profit are contributing to the companion animal overpopulation crisis. Every newborn puppy or kitten means one home fewer for a dog or cat desperately waiting in a shelter or roaming the streets. There are so many reasons supporting breeders by buying from a pet store is wrong, and so many reasons adoption is RIGHT! If you’d like to get involved by forwarding out and networking our weekly urgent animals in need emails, please do!  Feel like you can never do enough?