If you have kids or pass a yellow bus now and again – you know that school is back in session. And with it school lunch. No reason it needs to be the blues. The New York Coalition for Healthy School Food has partnered with the NYC Office of SchoolFood (the largest school food service operation in the country), the James Beard Foundation and the fabulous Candle 79 Restaurant to launch Project Cool School Food. They introduce planet friendly, body-good plant based entrees to school cafeterias all over the city.
Now this is cool: Once a quarter, each Whole Foods store donates 5% of their sales to a charity, and our BFF’s at Candle 79 were able to win 5% day at all 6 NYC Whole Foods on September 15th for the New York Coalition for Healthy School Food (NYCHSF) – promoting delicious, healthy, whole plant-based entrees in our schools. In addition, on September 16th, Whole Foods in Jericho and Manhasset on Long Island are donating 5% to the coalition.
Would love it if you could all get your shop on the 15th in NYC and on the 16th on Long Island. Food shop til you drop! Please support this effort and get over to any Whole Foods Market in NYC this Wednesday (9/15) or the Long Island stores (Jericho and Manhasset) this Thursday (9/16) and do a good grocery stock up!!! As you shop up on organic produce, bulk lentils, and whatever else is in your big ‘ole cart, feel good that not only are you supporting your own healthy bod, you are also supporting the health of school children across New York! Plus, how psyched will your Husband/ Partner/ GF/ BF/ Dog/ Cat/ Roomie be that you finally did that pantry stocking up that you’ve been meaning to do for a Month now?
- New Yorkers: Attend their fall benefit at the Peter Max Art studio on 10/14. GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloe Jo Davis will be there celebrating with “Vegan for Dummies” author Alexandra Jamieson, Pure Food and Wine Founder Sarma Melngalis, and “Skinny Bitch” author Rory Freedman. Shmooze with like-minded invidibles. More deets below.
- Donate a couple of bucks to their efforts.
- Feed the kids in your life clean, healthy, organic, plant-based foods. They will thank you later. We promise.
Details at www.healthyschoolfood.org