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Old Baby Toys Become New Dog Toys

Old Baby Toys Become New Dog Toys

Glad Dogs Nation receives donations of stuffed toys through the efforts of caring individuals and businesses, community groups, schools, Girl/Boy Scouts, and others.

Talk about a cute and innovative upcylcing concept! Whenever baby meets puppy, our hearts start melting ooey vegan ice cream,  but this project goes one step above by being kind to earth and animals.

Glad Dogs Nation is committed to bringing happiness to all dogs – whether they are lucky enough to live with loving families or are still in need of finding love and rescue.

Their adorable handcrafted dog toys start out as unwanted children’s stuffed toys that they wash in hot water using biodegradable detergent.  They remove hard eyes (choking hazard for pups) and put cute appliques in their place. And they always add a squeaker inside. Then they offer the toys inexpensively – so no one needs to shed a tear if the toy is destroyed during play. See the cute start to finish process yourself.

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Finally, they spread the gladness by donating 100% of their profits to Glad Dogs Foundation which funds initiatives to stem pet overpopulation and provides food and medical care for dogs.

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