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Why Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is Blowing up Right Now

Why Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is Blowing up Right Now

Combining therapy and ketamine infusions, there has been long term success from depression, anxiety, PTSD and more.   But don’t listen to us – because we haven’t tried it –  listen to Goop, and the Doctors below.   According to many, Ketamine and Therapy assist in processing trauma and mental health cognitions with immediate relief of symptoms, virtually no short or long-term side effects, no need for antidepressants, with a high proven rate of success.

The NeoMedical institute offer the option of “Working with a triple board certified MD, Anesthesiologist and Licensed Clinical Social Workers, with a Doctor for the psychotherapy, the program usesa  psychedelic, i.e. psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, and Ketamine as an aid. Psychotherapy is completed while under the psychedelic and/or after the client has gone through the psychedelic experience.”

More from the Docs themselves;

Of course, we had some questions for the docs!

Why is Ketamine the only psychedelic being used in Florida for this research? Ketamine is an FDA-approved drug that has been safely used as an anesthetic since the 1970s. Most recently, though, it has gained popularity for its use in improving treatment-resistant mental health disorders, PTSD and chronic pain more quickly and effectively than other medications through a different mechanism of action. Because of its long history of success and FDA approval since the 70s, it may be one of the reasons why it is the only psychedelic being used in Florida

Is therapy is suggested in tandem with the drug?  Talk therapy can take years to uncover trauma and overall challenges, while with the aid of a psychedelic, specifically Ketamine, it allows this process to be easier, and alleviates suicidality and other depressive/anxiety symptoms almost immediately. Ketamine allows us to gain access to the subconscious. At low doses, ketamine produces a hypnotic or dreamlike state (“Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy For Anxiety & Depression,” 2020) in which clients make meaning and its application to their present life. The use of Ketamine in controlled doses allows new neuron connections to form and open the capacity to literally think of our challenges differently. As we go about our days, the things that impact us may be suppressed into the subconscious mind. Ketamine has the capacity to break into these suppressed memories to further work on the emotions attached to them. Ketamine assisted therapy is not meant to solve trauma, but rather used as a tool to enable the client to maintain open minded in identifying the challenges, barriers within these challenges, and coping mechanisms, both maladaptive and adaptive. Ketamine enables the mind to open and literally change structure through neuroplasticity. During this period, as the brain goes through sparks of change due to new neuron connections, it is the best time to create, develop and sustain healthy habits that will enable stronger coping and overall wellness. Habits of exercising, eating nutritious, low processed foods, minimizing avoidant behaviors and journaling to understand emotions are examples of maintaining healthy habits in which maintain our mental and overall wellness. This method is more effective than talk therapy, which can take years to uncover trauma, while with the aid of a psychedelic like Ketamine, the process is easier, alleviating suicidality and anxiety symptoms immediately. As mentioned above, the use of Ketamine in controlled doses allows new neuron connections to form and open the capacity to literally think of our challenges differently. As we go about our days, the things that impact us may be suppressed into the subconscious mind. Ketamine has the capacity to break into these suppressed memories to further work on the emotions attached to them. Ketamine assisted therapy is not meant to solve trauma, but rather used as a tool to enable the client to maintain open minded in identifying the challenges, barriers within these challenges, and coping mechanisms, both maladaptive and adaptive.

See Also

Is anyone a good candidate for psychedelic assisted therapy? Not everyone is a good candidate for psychedelic assisted therapy. The 1 hour session with Dr. Uribe, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 10 years of clinical experience, will help determine clinical necessity. She will take a deep dive into your current and past health history, and explain more! Learn more about this program here.

Why aren’t mushrooms legal yet?   Currently psilocybin is not legal in the United States and is undergoing FDA approved clinical trials alongside MDMA. Currently psilocybin is not legal in the United States and is only undergoing FDA approved clinical trials alongside MDMA. To receive psilocybin/MDMA assisted psychotherapy one must apply to a clinical trial study.