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New Investigation Reveals Widespread Cruelty at Dairy Farm

New Investigation Reveals Widespread Cruelty at Dairy Farm

A new undercover investigation at Upstate New York-based Adirondack Farms – supplier to the producers of Cabot cheese – reveals horrific cruelty to cows, including calves’ horn buds being burned off without painkillers, cows being electro-shocked in the face, mother cows with bloody vaginal prolapses languishing in pain for months without veterinary care, and cows being manually inseminated by workers. The institutionalized cruelty at this farm is consistent with the mistreatment of cows rampant throughout the dairy industry.

In 2009, a Mercy For Animals investigation at Willet Dairy Farm – the largest dairy farm in New York State – exposed equally horrific conditions, including:

  • “Downed” cows too sick or injured to stand up
  • Calves having their tails cut off without painkillers
  • Cows living in overcrowded sheds on manure-coated concrete flooring
  • Newborn calves being forcibly dragged from their mothers by their legs

Sadly, the inhumane conditions uncovered at New York dairy farms are not isolated. There are no federal laws providing protection to animals on factory farms, and investigations such as these hold companies accountable and expose how out of step factory farming practices are with most consumers’ basic values.  Every time we eat, we can help put an end to the mistreatment of animals on factory farms by choosing vegan and getting involved with beautiful organizations like Mercy For Animals who fight daily for the voiceless.

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via Nathan Runkle