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Egg On Your.. Prostate?

Egg On Your.. Prostate?

What everyone may not know is, the egg industry is notorious for abusing animals and deceiving consumers.  Finding out these shockingly cruel truths are mind blowing for anyone with a compassionate heart.  Now research shows that eating eggs can be deadly for men.  Alert your beloved menfolk:  A study recently published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Cancer Prevention Research confirms that eggs aren’t just loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol – they’re linked to deadly prostate cancer as well.  So if you care about his nether regions, get him on a healthier breakfast path.

Led by Dr. Erin Richman from the Harvard School of Public Health, this fourteen-year-long study examined the eating habits and health of over 27,000 men. Those who consumed more than two and a half eggs each week were over 80 percent more likely to die from prostate cancer. “Eating eggs may increase risk of developing a lethal form of prostate cancer among healthy men,” concluded the researchers.

As scientific research reveals the health risks of egg consumption, Mercy For Animals undercover investigators are exposing the routine cruelties inflicted on egg-laying hens.  Their recent investigation into Sparboe Farms found hens crammed into filthy battery cages, workers burning off the beaks of baby chicks without painkillers, and other abuses that are standard within the egg industry.

Thankfully, it’s never been easier to avoid the cruelty, cholesterol, and increased risk of prostate cancer that come with eating eggs. This here website (use the search engine for “recipes,” or scroll our “Nosh” section) and the wonderful has hundreds of delicious, egg-free recipes and helpful tips on cooking without eggs.  We are pretty partial to a wickedly spicy tofu scramble, Field Roast sausages, and veg hash at Chez Girlie.   Meet The Shannons make a mean vegan fried egg, get their recipe here. Eating a flavorful veggie diet has never been easier.

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Originally published on MFA Blog via author Nathan Runkle