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Music To Downward Your Dog To

Music To Downward Your Dog To

We make no secret of that we love our friend Sharon Gannon.   She’s not only a world-renowned yogi.. she’s a vegan rockstar, friend to all creatures.

According to many, Sharon is almost single-handedly responsible for making yoga cool in the New York me-me-me 90’s.   If a celeb lived in NYC, they went to this yoga studio and fell in love with Sharon’s teachings.

According to Ascent Magazine;

In the seventies and early eighties, Sharon Gannon was a musician, poet and dancer in the Seattle art scene. In the midst of her incarnation as an avant garde artist, Sharon’s lifelong interest in all things spiritual led her to explore the canons of philosophy, religion, alchemy and the sacred art of India. This inquiry took her into the heart of yoga, where she remains.

For the past decade and a half, Sharon Gannon has been a devoted yogini and the co-founder (along with David Life) of the Jivamukti Yoga Center in New York City, where she developed and continues to teach the Jivamukti method of Hatha Yoga, which combines the intense physical postures of the Ashtanga tradition with the teachings of ancient yogic texts. Theirs is a vigorous form of yoga, taking literally the definition of Hatha Yoga as God-realization through forceful means.

Gorgeous David and Sharon
Gorgeous David and Sharon

Sharon is the most wonderful advocate for veganism, yoga, and the animals that we could ever ask for.   And now she is asking that we support her newest endeavor, her beautiful new record of chants.   As much as we love Sharon, we wouldn’t recommend you buy a record that sucks..   ever.   Luckily, Sharon created a record that is simply mystical.

Sharanam by Sharon Gannon, $16.68
Sharanam by Sharon Gannon, $16.68

Music has the power to change hearts, minds and consciousness.     History shows there are messages inherent in music that create peaceful and revolutionary change for freedom and civil rights.   Animal Rights Activists/music artists such as Paul McCartney, Emmylou Harris, Morrissey and Moby successfully use music as the message to speak up for animals. “Sharanam” is a CD that gives the listener the direct and powerful experience of healing our emotional, spiritual, psychological and ecological disconnection with ourselves and with the world through Sanskrit Mantras.   Think Enya, Bat For Lashes, or Kate Bush.. but a spiritual version.   You’ll want to sip a glass of wine with the fairies deep in the forest, dance with the wood nymphs, or plan a dalliance with a beautiful stranger.. or yourself.. while listening to this record.   It’s absolutely gorgeous… much like Sharon’s heart.

See Also

Mantra is a Sanskrit word that translates to: Man means “mind”, Tra means to “to protect” or “to cross over.” Sharanam means “Refuge.” By listening to and singing with Sharanam’s mantras, we can take refuge, strength and inspiration to change our perception of our ability to create positive change in our world. Sharanam is a healing mantra and prayer offering for all beings- especially animals.

Today, Wednesday October 27, we are requesting your participation in a special offer for this extraordinary CD called “Healing the World with Mantra – Sharanam “. Today anyone who purchases a copy of Sharanam through will be eligible to receive an array of fantastic gifts. With over 20 cruelty free gifts and prizes, everyone who buys Sharanam via on October 27 (only) is eligible to receive them.  After you purchase the album, simply enter your order number on the gift page to receive your free gifts here.

Who knows.. maybe today we will create a tipping point that will change global consciousness, encouraging healing, freedom, kindness and happiness for all beings – animal and human.