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Pill Pop And You Don’t Stop: FDA may ban Vicoden and Percocet!

Pill Pop And You Don’t Stop: FDA may ban Vicoden and Percocet!

The “Valley of the Dolls” chicks would be up in arm!   We know some of you avid pill poppers are freaking at the thought of life without your Percocets and high dosages of Tylenol. Healthy chef and certified health and nutrition counselor Alexandra Jamieson chimes in on the FDA ‘s announcement that they are considering sweeping changes to allowable Tylenol doses, as well as possibly banning Vicoden and Percocet.


Yep, the FDA may ban Vicoden, Percocet while reducing allowable Tylenol doses.   According to The Associated Press:

The Food and Drug Administration assembled 37 experts to recommend ways to reduce deadly overdoses with acetaminophen, which is the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S. and sends 56,000 people to the emergency room annually. About 200 die each year.

Read the full article here.

While access to relief-giving medicine is important, the fact that many medicines do more harm than good is unavoidable. Much pain in the body is caused by an unhealthy diet full of refined sugars, preservatives, chemicals, dairy and meat. Cleaning up your diet will automatically reduce a lot of discomfort including headaches, relief from arthritis and joint pain.

A wonderful book to read on natural pain reduction techniques and a revolutionary dietary program is Dr. Neal Barnard’s Foods That Fight Pain.


See Also

If you are constantly popping pills, something is up.   Stop masking discomfort, and get to the heart of the problem.   Vasant Lad BAMS, MASc (a world-renowned ayurvedic physician and author, and the founder of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico) says;

Over 45 million Americans experience chronic, recurring headaches, according to the National Headache Foundation, and 29.5 million suffer from migraines. If you’re one of them, you may be tempted to pop a pill for quick relief. But if you have a sneaking suspicion that over-the-counter remedies address the symptoms, not the underlying cause, of your pain, you’re probably right. Most headaches can be relieved by using ayurvedic remedies. Headaches can also flare up due to ear problems, eye problems, insomnia, food allergies, wrong diet, too much traveling, unhealthy relationships, pent-up emotions, exposure to cold temperatures, neck tension, or working too long (for instance, in front of a computer) with poor posture. Even sleeping on two pillows can give you a headache!

Ready to dump the pills yet? Check out these natural remedies for the most common aches, pains and health complaints.   To your health!