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5 Super Cool iPhone Cases We Can’t Stop Staring At Lovingly

5 Super Cool iPhone Cases We Can’t Stop Staring At Lovingly

5 Super Cool iPhone Cases We Can't Stop Staring At Lovingly

Since most of us are living vicariously through our phones, and there’s really no need to spend money on things like clothing (to wear where exactly?) or eating out.. we may as well look down at our cell phones and find a little slice of daily whimsy. Here are some cuties we’ve tested at GGA HQ that have passed the “OMG – where did you get that great phone case?!” challenge!

How many times have you heard someone say they’ll need Xanax to get through the next year of homeschooling? Here’s the next best thing:

Chill Pills Phone Case, $11
Chill Pills Phone Case, $11

This phone case let’s you take photos UNDERWATER? How cool is that! Even if it’s just taking photos of your own butt in the bathtub, it’s a win.

Professional 50ft Diving Phone Case, $35
Professional 50ft Diving Phone Case, $35

If you’re longing for a long… hard… cactus to quench your desire for nature, this silicone case is thin and bendy – but actually protects your phone! We are also way hot for the churros and salsa options..

See Also

Silicone iPhone Cases, $6
Silicone iPhone Cases, $6

While you’re responding to insolent IG comments in the great outdoors, this iPhone will remind you to the slather on the SPF and keep melanoma at bay.

Sunblock iPhone Case, $8
Sunblock iPhone Case, $8