They’re making all kinds of coffee these days. First there was caffeine-free coffee for those wanting to take care of their heart, then they made cbd coffee wholesale beans in order to make a calming cup of joe, now they’re making coffee that is safe for dogs. Yes indeed, this coffee is for the dogs!
Did you know coffee could save a dogs life as well? Seriously, as long as you have a decent coffee grinder (I opt for a manual one), it’s super simple to get together a dose of coffee for your dog! Here’s one of my favourite list of grinders for those wondering.
In the spring of 2012, Jordan Karcher stumbled upon a dog adoption operating on the side of Montana Avenue in Santa Monica, CA. He was in no way planning, or prepared to adopt a rescue animal when he left the house that morning, but when a malnourished, brown and white, Dalmatian named Molly crawled into his lap, it was clear that he just welcomed a new member to his family. Molly immediately became the center of his life and the inspiration for Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. Now Jordan and Molly are on a mission to save the rest of the innocent, homeless pups out there, one pound of coffee at a time.
Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co., the quickly growing line of 100% fair trade and certified organic coffee, has many reasons to celebrate this October. First, October is the American Humane Association’s Adopt-A-Dog Month and Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. was inspired by, Molly. Ever since, Jordan and Molly have been on a mission to provide safe-havens for dogs in between homes which is why 20% of all proceeds is used to fund no kill rescue organizations and animal wellness initiatives. October also marks the month that it will available in all Unleashed by Petco stores.
October is also the American Humane Association’s Adopt-A-Dog Month, what better month than to buy a bag of this superb coffee?
Jordan launched Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. with two goals in mind; to produce outstanding coffee and fund dog rescue efforts throughout the country. “At Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. we have many reasons to celebrate on a daily basis as we take great pride in knowing that every cup of our coffee that’s brewed helps put us one step closer to providing a pup with a second chance,” says Jordan. “This is never more true than during Adopt-A-Dog Month as we are striving to make a huge impact with our coalition of rescue partners throughout the fall and winter months.”
Not to mention Jordan and Molly and their gorgeous selves? Can we swoon a little louder? A man who loves his dog? #everything

Now Carried at All Unleashed By Petco Locations – you can now you can walk into any Unleashed by Petco store and pick up a bag of your favorite Grounds & Hounds Coffee blend. Grab a bag of Morning Walk, Paper & Slippers and/or Alpha Blend and smile knowing that your puchase has just helped save a pup.

Grounds & Hounds Coffee is available at and at all 130 Unleashed By Petco stores nationwide.