Sure, your grocery store’s chip isles are packed with accidentally vegan potato chips – that are also full of hydrogenated oils, empty carbs, and – if flavored – sugar. And if they aren’t vegan, they are host to dairy, whey, and sometimes even pork fat. Yuck. But some of the natural chips taste like sawdust.. and that’s just as yuck. Well, imagine a chip made from US-grown, non-gmo beans – piles of protein, no sugar or junk, that taste like the most decadent snack you’ve ever had! It’s mind-blowing how delicious these are. We are obsessed with every flavor of Beanfields Snacks, they’ve changed our snacking life: Nacho, BBQ, Pico De Gallo, Ranch, Salt n’ Pepper — each one tops the next. The Salt n’ Pepper tastes like eggs (we have no idea how, it just does,) and the Ranch (a classic creamy taste without dairy) and BBQ are just flavor explosions. There’s no best flavor – you just have to try every single one! There’s no reason why you or your kids should be eating any other chip when this one exists. The texture is a mixture of a tortilla chip meets sun chip.
Did you know: Beans are the only food listed twice on the USDA Food Plate as a vegetable and as a protein, low-glycemic, take less water to grow per pound than any other protein source, and plant sources of protein include fiber, animal sources do not? Just eat ’em.
Plus: these are vegan certified, kosher-parve certified, non-gmo certified, gluten-free certified, and green business certified! All from a family-owned business! And the chips not contain any of the top eight food allergens as ingredients! There’s only one negative: they aren’t organic, but we have a feeling that may be coming from Beanfields in future.
The Worlds Best Protein Packed Vegan Gluten Free Healthy Chips

You can find them at your local health food store, or buy them direct from Beanfields here. You will want to buy them by the case, just sayin’.