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A Turkey-Free Thanksgiving Feast

A Turkey-Free Thanksgiving Feast

Pardon a turkey why dontcha? Phaedra Parks (the lawyer on “Real Housewives of Atlanta”) likes to start sentences with “Everybody knows…” Well we are borrowing her catch phrase to say.. Everybody knows that turkeys are our friends and not to be eaten.  They purr when pet, mourn the loss of loved ones, and have just as much a right to this earth as we do. They have also been so genetically mutilated by factory farms that they can no longer breed normally.  All factory farmed turkeys must be bred via artificial insemination as their skin is bred for white meat which means if they had vaginal sex, their insides would literally rip open because they are so thin.

Looking for a vegan thanksgiving feast near you? Try for lists of vegan events near you.

Ready to cook? Put on a sexy apron and try one of these yummy options;

OR DIY with theses store-bought suggestions via our friends at Vegucated – all available at your local health food store or Whole Foods;
Main: Gardein’s Holiday Roast or Field Roast’s Hazelnut Cranberry Roast En Croute
Sides: Amy’s Non-Dairy Vegetable Pot Pie, Lots of fresh veggies, and some tasty vegan rolls with Earth Balance
Dessert: Pillsbury Apple Turnovers with So Delicious Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

See Also

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau also created a new video of foodie tips for Thanksgiving and other holidays, including the perennial question of what to serve as a vegan main dish.

Watch her clever tips and tricks here;