Eric Nies was the object of many girls (and boys!) fantasies in the 90’s as host of MTV’s “The Grind” and on the first season of “The Real World,” but after a spell of decadence and overindulgence, this genuinely authentic guy had his “aha” moment and now spends his days promoting a holistic raw lifestyle. He has become a truly inspirational guy who calls himself “your brother, interested in your well being,” who “want(s) you to know that you are responsible for your own happiness. It’s in YOU, so let go of the fear and find the LOVE.” Call it hippy dippy, or overly optimistic, but here at GirlieGirlArmy, we believe optimism is the only way. We had the chance to ask Eric a few questions hot on the heels of him starring in VH1’s new show, “Confessions of a Teen Idols,” and the launch of his health and fitness company CHIFORCE7.
GIRLIEGIRLARMY: Many of our readers came of age in the decadent NYC 90’s; everyone wasted and searching.. and so many of that same posse is now raw, vegan, or/ and yoginis. Do you think the upswing in holistic living has anything to do with a backlash from those overdoin-it days? And do you think this is comparable to the free loving 70’s being replaced by Wall Street 90’s? And if so – should we expect the same folks to be chomping on carcass and doing step classes in 2020?
ERIC NIES: This way of life has been around for thousands of years. It is not new. It is not a trend or a fad, which is how it is viewed by most people living in what I call “The Box”. It’s just that people are starting to wake up and respect the ancient ways. Eating a RAW food lifestyle is the purest and best way to live. Many of the strongest and longest living animals are raw, such as the panda bear and gorillas. CHIFORCE is the 7 disciplines that my brother, John and I have developed based on the teachings we learned from our GrandMaster. GrandMaster is a powerful man who we studied with for many years. He is from the mountains of Vietnam and he taught us about the Power Center that spins inside of us and he pushed us above and beyond our own pre-conceived spiritual and physical limitations. When I started to focus on myself for the betterment of mankind in silence, I was able to experience my true nature. I was able to separate mind and self and be one with nature. I felt one with the source of all things. Self love has brought me to a RAW lifestyle. Feeding my body with pure natural energy. One of the most important things I learned was how to empty my mind of the thoughts of my past and live in this present moment. As far as the 70’s or 90’s or what’s to come in 2020, Nothing replaces the other. Only the focus and projection of the media changes. To direct the herd where they want them to go. Most peoples perception is what has been ingrained inside them by manipulation, but slowly there is a shift in consciousness, one person at a time. People will ask more questions, begin to stand up for themselves, go their “own way”, take better care of themselves, which will benefit everyone and everything around them.
* What was your “aha” moment when going raw and focusing spirituality as the headboard of your life?
There are a few, but all similar in nature. They were moments of waking up. Enlightening moments. One time it lasted for 20 minutes where I was uncontrollably laughing, crying and smiling from ear to ear because I got it. I had remembered who I AM. Everything just stopped as I was surrounded by light in meditation and realizing at that moment that I was light and everything is energy and it’s all connected. We are ONE. When I finally reached the place where I was embraced with SELF-LOVE, then everything else fell into place. I have always been a health nut, so going RAW came about naturally. And when the body is pure, it makes it easier for the mind and soul to follow.
* Do you find it easier to live a healthier, more progressive lifestyle in Los Angeles, vs NYC or the North in general?
Both are favorable to this lifestyle. I enjoy the weather more on the west coast and the nature is bigger out there. Bigger mountain ranges and an incredible California coast.
* If you could ask the average Joe or Jody to change only one thing about their diet or sedentary lifestyles, what would it be?
Take out all MAN manipulated foods out of your diet.
* What’s currently your favorite recipe or food?
SUPER FOOD SHAKES Maca, Cacoa, Cereal Grasses, and many other super foods that I put into my shakes everyday. And a lot of COCONUTS
* What inspires you?
LOVE and People that want to make a change for themselves and for others
* What gifts did your past career, and the old you, give the new you?
Thanks to TV I was able to watch and listen to myself. What I did not like about myself I changed. I put myself in my mother and grandfathers’ shoes… and then I looked in the mirror and asked myself if l liked what I saw from their eyes. The best gifts aside from all the fun and endless amounts of memories, are the mistakes and the pain…All from which I have done most of my growth.

* What non-profit or charitable organization are you involved in, and why?
We have our own, which is a part of our Chi Force brand. In the past I have been involved with pediatric aids, cancer, hunger relief and childhood obesity. I choose to be involved in organizations that focus on children. If you can save and inspire a Child, they can in turn inspire millions. I believe that change starts with the children. In the future you will see many children working together to change the world. It’s already happening. Kids have more of a voice today than ever, and there are many programs out there that support and applaud their ideas and their empowerment.
* Name three things you did today to live green.
Recycled, walked, used seventh generation laundry detergent and hung my clothes to dry.
NEW YORK CITY: Please join Eric for a FREE seminar in NYC with Eric Nies and David Sandoval, renowned health lecturer, superfood guru and author of “The Green Foods Bible.” Don’t miss this opportunity!! Monday, February 2nd, 2009 7:30-9:30pm. Free tasty samples, tons of great information and fun. RSVP 888.747.6733 to reserve your spot!
NEW JERSEY: Join brothers John and Eric Nies for an eye-opening day of nutrition, physical training and spiritual guidance as they share their Seven Disciplines and Chi-Force protocols. This special event will take place on Saturday, March 7nd, 2009 12-3pm in Red bank, NJ. It is limited to 40 people, workshop fee $100, with a % of net proceeds going to The Power Path, a 501c3 non-profit foundation dedicated to providing programs to underprivileged and at risk youth. Seats are filling quickly, so please call 732.212.0700 to book today!!
Please visit for more information about John, Eric and the 7 Disciplines.