Don’t be mad, but we are about to bring you back . Remember the 80’s song from Animotion?
“You are an obsession
You’re my obsession
Who do you want me to be
To make you sleep with me”
We love on a couple of items so hardcore each Month that our GGA team has to share. Here are our current favorite obsessions;
Aden and Anais swaddles
Soft as all hell, organic, warm in winter/ cool in summer, these long muslin wraps are a Mommy’s dream. Talk about multi-purpose, we use them as portable crib sheets, blankets, tummy time mats, swaddlers, to shield us while nursing, as burp cloths, draped over the stroller to protect babe from sun/ bugs, and as a blanket.. not to mention as a makeshift scarf for Mommy! Hell, we’d use them even if we didn’t have babies. These swaddles come in the prettiest, chicest prints too – from sweet dragonfly’s to precious illustrated animal prints – all in an “Eloise” style. You have to feel them to appreciate the soft, flowy, deliciousness of them. $44 for 4, non-organic, organic $34 each, bamboo $39.95 for 3. Available at most baby/ toy stores, or online at
Earth Mama Angel Baby Products
For the natural glamazon, this is a line you can pretty much be sure of loving entirely. Using the highest-quality, organically grown herbs and oils for their teas, bath herbs, gentle handmade soaps, salves, lotions and massage oils, Earth Mama Angel Baby products are 100% toxin-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and free from all artificial preservatives, fragrances and dyes. So, they not only look and smell great, they work amazingly well and are a guilt-free purchase! Their commitment to honor the earth and her valuable resources extends to their packaging as well – they use only eco-friendly recyclable or reused/resuseable packaging and packing materials. We are particularly big fans of their nipple butter (for sore nursing nipples,) since it’s one of the only vegan nipple butters on the market that doesn’t contain lanolin. But the body wash smells and feels divine, and the PMS teas are somethin’ to talk about! The gift baskets available on the site are totally genius gifts for any Goddess in your posse. Did we mention they are affordable, with most items under $20? Oui! Available at most natural pregnancy/ breastfeeding/ baby stores or online at
Lip Fix Vegan Lip Balms For Those All Night Nursing Sessions
From the genius who brought us vegan dry shampoo introducing a vegan lip balm that truly works! Available in pomegranate, spearmint, and unflavored, and priced at a mere $3.95.. how could you go wrong? Each recycled plastic tube is packed with rich botanical oils and extracts while leaving out artificial coloring agents and phony sweeteners. Available at
Organically Grown Baby Clothes
Say later gator to overpriced organic cotton onesies for little ones, we refuse to pay $100 for an outfit our baby will barf on and ruin after a handful of wears. Organically Grown baby clothes are (we daresay) cheap and truly durable! And now the company is growing to include grown up apparel, home decor and personal care items. Their organic cotton is grown by safe, pesticide-free methods from plants that are not genetically modified. Plus, the company supports the organic farming community and organizations worldwide that are committed to a green, sustainable environment. There is a direct connection between what we wear and the effect it has on the earth. According to the Organic Exchange, as estimated 170 million pounds of pesticides, and 25% of the world’s insecticides are used in the production of conventional, non-organic cotton. 7 out of 10 of these pesticides are on the EPA’s “known” list of “likely” or “probable” carcinogens. These chemicals result in the work-force illnesses, water contamination, and the devastation of farmland. All of the problems are eliminated through organic farming practices. Do you really want that crap on your baby?!

Fresh Dates
Nature’s gift to a healthy diva on a diet… eat ’em, guilt-free. Fresh dates not only nutritious, they contain only half as much sugar, and twice as much fiber, as the imported sun-dried boxed variety. And they are amazingly good for breastfeeding! Now is a good time of year to find them at your local health food store. When buying fresh dates, you should ensure that they are deep brown, plump and moist. They will keep well in the refrigerator for up to a week. We love them as is, but you can chop the flesh into salads or use them in baking. We are huge fans of sticking a cacao bean in the center of a fresh date for a raw, easy to make, and tasty as hell treat.
Try these easy to make, impressively delish raw treats at home:
Coconut/Nut/Date Rolls
* pitted fresh dates
* mixed raw nuts
* shredded coconut
In large bowl mash dates with potato masher or blender (make sure to check each date to make sure even the pitted ones are without pit). If mashed dates seem too dry add just enough hot water to moisten them. Crush nuts and mix into the mashed dates. Roll the date/nut mix into balls. Spread out shredded coconut on table and roll the date/nut balls around until sufficiently covered with coconut. via
As an aside: We can’t put down these new books as we nurse the littles ones;
Newly Released Animal Rights Books That Make Us Feel Grateful To Have Our Babies Close To Us
Gristle: From Factory Farms to Food Safety (Thinking Twice about the Meat We Eat) by Moby and Miyun Park
An information-packed little guide, Gristle is for the growing number of people-from omnivores to vegans-who are thinking twice about the consequences of our industrial factory-farming system of raising animals for food. Multi-platinum musician Moby and leading food policy activist and expert Miyun Park have brought together fifteen of the country’s leading voices on this issue-an eclectic group from such diverse backgrounds as farming, workers’ rights activism, professional athletics, science, environmental sustainability, food business, and animal welfare advocacy-who together eloquently lay out how and why industrial animal agriculture unnecessarily harms workers, communities, the environment, our health, our wallets, and animals.
Our Farm: By the Animals of Farm Sanctuary by Maya Gottfried
Beautiful watercolor images accompany poetry in this elegant and perfect childrens book. Use it to teach children about farm animals, this book is a must for every little one in your life. Maya Gottfried based her poems on real animals from Farm Sanctuary, a safe haven for injured or abused farm animals with locations in New York and California.

Ninety-Five: Meeting America’s Farmed Animals in Stories and Photographs
This collection of stories and photographs by rescuers, caregivers and animal lovers will show you a side of farm animals you may not have thought possible. Far from the unthinking, unfeeling beings they are often portrayed as, the animals in Ninety-Five reveal themselves to be as distinctive as the dogs and cats with whom many of us share our homes: complex creatures with remarkable personalities, depth, emotions, quirks, relationships and individuality. A beautiful book to keep on the coffee table, and stir debate with animal eating relatives!