Your tushy has never been more scurred. It’s a time of great worry, none more urgently pressing than that of wiping your butt or cleaning your counter tops. So what do you do when you can’t find TP or Paper Towels? Get creative! Other than drip drying, wiping with leaves, or cleaning your windows and mirrors with old newspaper – there are still some more options!
Here are our tips:

Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash
Made of 100% reusable bamboo, these towels not only do the job faster and easier, but each is reusable for up to 100 times. These towels are the ultimate in recycling, since they’re washed and used again and again, they create less solid waste. What’s more, highly efficient commercial laundering uses far less water and energy than paper manufacturing. We are recommending you splurge for the case, so you have it on hand for the next covid19 wave in winter, but you can totally buy them one roll each for about $15.

Skip the TP and use still-available flushable baby wipes, which is – in general – the only decent option anyway.

On average, Americans use 57 sheets of toilet paper (TP) per day. Tushy is a modern bidet that easily clips to your toilet & transforms your health, hygiene and life. Tushy uses 1/8th gallon of water per use and harms no trees in the process, compared to traditional TP. TUSHY fits all standard toilets and some one-piece toilets and doesn’t require electricity or plumbing. Just unscrew the toilet seat, pop the TUSHY on, connect to water, and you’re done.

These swedish sponge clothes have a cult following for a reason – they are amazing. Part sponge, part rag – they clean the heck out of anything. When you’re all done with it – just toss into your washing machine.

Rags, of course, are a must in any house. If you don’t have an old towel to cut up – order more of these tried and trues:

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