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The Astrological Impact Of The Solar Eclipse On Your Life

The Astrological Impact Of The Solar Eclipse On Your Life

Have you lost your heart? Is it time to find it again? Today, Monday, 8/21, at 5:50-7:25 am HST (where I live,) there will be an eclipse.

As we approach the eclipse, understanding the nature of it can help you optimize it. This eclipse is in Leo, the sign of the Sun, the heart, and creativity. As human beings it is imperative that we participate in the creation of ourselves and our lives in order to live a life that is inspiring and that has meaning and purpose.

Those who have lost connection with their internal source of creative power will be most affected. You know this is you if things feel dim and your enthusiasm for life has been wavering. If you don’t feel as connected to yourself, if you feel life is really hard right now, or you are exhausted and have been over giving of your time and energy to others it’s probably going to be an impactful eclipse.

Jamie Cooper / SSPL via Getty Images via
Jamie Cooper / SSPL via Getty Images via

This eclipse will help you to reconnect to the “light” of who you are, and initiate clarity on what you need to do to have more joy. Energetically, the eclipse is like a reboot to your system and will bring to your awareness that which you need to do to reconnect to your own inner power. You’ll feel this over the next few months.

We get so accustomed to power that comes from the outside (other people, internet, TV, social events, distractions, etc.) that we lose connection to the inside where the core of our power and creativity originate.

Keep in mind that something profoundly heartfelt is trying to emerge. Make room for it in your consciousness. Light a candle. Have a moment of silence. Shut off the phone and the computer. Remove yourself from the chaos and tune into your Self. Decide what you want to create in your life. Plant the seed of possibility. A moment of silence is all it takes to honor this.

See Also

Alice Inoue is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happiness U, a friendly educational establishment in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Happiness U has dozens of inspiring classes all geared towards personal growth, helping you live a more purposeful and ease-filled life. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: Do not watch the eclipse without protective glasses, it could cause serious damage to your retinas. Also be careful if photographing the eclipse, read this first