The August weather isn’t the only thing making folks steamy across the country. RescueMen are the softhearted studs whose stories and photos grace the pages of the 2017 RescueMen USA calendar coming out in September.
The third annual charity calendar showcases inspirational men who have all rescued their companion animals, and is intended to promote how extraordinary and loving shelter animals can be, while erasing any stigma surrounding their health or behavior. The RescueMen USA calendar separates itself from similar types of male pin-up calendars by uniquely featuring the true stories of how these real men rescued their best friends (and sometimes vice versa.) What’s hotter than a man with a heart of gold?

Created by casting director Jen Halpern (President of Pillows for Paws) and actress Felicia Greenfield (President of Grandpa Dave’s Creature Comforts), the RescueMen USA campaign was developed as a way to grow awareness about the Adopt, Don’t Shop movement. This is the kind of pussy-meets-macho we are all about!

With a $25 contribution, donors will receive a gift of their own 2017 RescueMen USA calendar. Donations to the RescueMen© Campaign benefit its umbrella organization, Pillows for Paws©, a 501(c)3 non-profit 100% volunteer run group that donates essential material items to shelter cats, dogs and rabbits on a monthly basis to homeless animals at Animal Care Centers of NYC. These items are crucial in improving the emotional well-being of homeless dogs, cats, and bunnies while they wait to go to their forever homes.

Buy it here.