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Why You Need To Be Checked If You Buy A Doodle Dog

Why You Need To Be Checked If You Buy A Doodle Dog

It’s National Dog Day, and a perfect time to reflect on the choices we’ve made – both individually and as a Nation – when it comes to helping, versus hindering, our animal friends. This piece by Zizi Zarkadas is a rescuers point of view – from a lifelong devotion to saving lives. We hope it makes even the most diehard breeder family make a kinder choice next time around.  Read this story for a first hand account of someone who went from being a breeder-devoted family to choosing adoption the second time around. Zizi’s voice is strong, but necessary. Compassionate choices are all we have.

Really People. REALLY??

If I see one more “purebred”  breeder or store bought Doodle type dog I’m giving up rescue and throwing in the towel.

A Doodle type dog (whatever the mix is) is a mutt. Let me repeat that for you. A MUTT.

I see that Doodles are quickly joining the ranks of popular trendy pets to have right up there with French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs.

I get it, it’s a status thing.  You want attention.  You want people to notice you via your new PURCHASED dog.  Like having the newest and latest handbag or accessories or shoes or what have from Gucci, Prada, Louis Vutton, Balenciaga or whatever the Kardashians or celeb of the moment are pimping out.  And yes I get it, it’s almost impossible to find a Doodle in rescue, they are rarely found in shelters.  Why you might ask? Because they are TRENDY.

How do I know this? I am a dog rescuer. In all of the years that I’ve been doing dog rescue (well over 20) we’ve had 2 Doodles that were surrendered to shelters and let me tell you they needed a LOT of  costly medical attention due to neglect. Doodles are also very high energy and regardless of what you’ve read from the breeders or Kennel Club they are not always good with small children. They will not be honest-they just want to make a sale. Another excuse so they can make money.  The amount of emails, messages, phone calls and applications on those dogs were mind boggling.

You’d be surprised at the lame excuses all of rescuers have heard about why someone needs to buy a Doodle.

“I’m allergic and they don’t shed”

Ummmm to some extent they DO shed, now are you really allergic or are you just too lazy to vacuum?  If you’d like a dog that doesn’t shed I’d suggest a stuffed animal.

“They are good with small children”

Depends on the dog!  Dogs are like humans, some dogs love other all other dogs and humans and including tiny humans and some don’t-buying from a greeder (that’s what many rescues refer to breeders as)  is not a guarantee that your dog won’t knock your kiddos over, chew up their toys or be nippy with them. If you have spent thousands of dollars on training your dog to not nip or bite your kids and your pooch is still doing it, take a look at your environment, are your kids running around playing and screaming? That pretty much means your KIDS need training-not the dog. Small children might have a lot of energy, and this behavior might be amping your dog up and causing too much excitement-please TEACH your children to be calm around the dog. If you fail to do so, the dog might lose its temperament and might end up biting, or hurting someone unintentionally. Then you might be in turn responsible for the personal injury incurred by the other person. This might also lead to the intervention of a Las Vegas Personal Injury Law Firm or elsewhere, to further deal with the consequences. That could all literally cost you thousands in bills. Therefore, better be precautious. A BOUGHT dog is NOT a guarantee of the dog’s temperament around children. Please reach out to your local rescue-they know which of their dogs are good with kids-easy peasy! A BOUGHT dog KILLS shelter animals!

Now I must tell you what’s really heartbreaking?

To have your dogs at an adoption event and having droves of people show up to meet the Doodle all while IGNORING all of the other beautiful dogs that we have waiting for a loving home after being neglected and tossed aside on the streets or in the pound like an old pair of shoes. I actually have had to step aside and go somewhere and cry over this.  Myself and my co-rescuers and many other rescuers have spent many days/nights crying with our hearts broken a million times over for these other dogs who don’t have homes and who are not WANTED because they are NOT THE DOG OF THE MOMENT. All of the dogs we couldn’t SAVE because we didn’t have an open foster nor the funds for medical. All of those people who lined up to meet the “Doodle” who didn’t even have the excuse of being allergic who would not even CONSIDER adopting or even fostering another dog because…..THEY NEED THEIR STATUS SYMBOL. Plain and Simple.  Vanity. Attention. Status.

You know what’s a really cool way to get attention and status? 

Being COMPASSIONATE. ADOPTING. FOSTERING. VOLUNTEERING.  Helping an abused, neglected, unwanted living, breathing, feeling being to go on to having a beautiful and LOVING life!  It’s the most beautiful and fulfilling thing in the world. I promise you that!  When I see a former shelter or street dog go on to a loving home I cry tears of utter joy. I only wish there were more joyful tears than the heartbreak tears of all the dogs that we couldn’t save.  How many dogs DIE because they are not the TRENDY dog that people want…… TOO MANY! Every time YOU buy that dog YOU are KILLING a shelter dog. I’m sure I’ll get plenty of hate for that-but it is TRUTH. 1.5 MILLION shelter animals are KILLED in the United States every YEAR simply because they have no home to go to. This does NOT include animals that are dumped on the streets, in the woods, in the desert, living on chains, in cages, in basements to never see the light of day-please don’t ignore this and turn your head away-turn TOWARDS and please SAVE A LIFE. And please do not come at me with the usual all of the dogs in the shelters and rescues are pitbulls… not true! Yes the majority are because again, they once were the “IT” dogs, the last “IT” dogs were Huskies (Thanks Game Of Thrones) now our shelters are flooded with Pitbulls and Huskies and…. LOTS OF OTHER BREEDS! And you’d be surprised what great and loving dogs Pitbulls are,  try one out! FOSTER! Volunteer with a good rescue and get to know them and all of the OTHER mixed doggo breeds they have.

Before you buy that pure bred Doodle (mutt) please take a long hard look at this photo of these babes who were KILLED because rescues didn’t have enough foster homes to save them and the pound had to make room for the never ending owner dumps.


Not all Pitbulls.

See Also
The Cat Treated Like Trash Now Treasured By Many

You see the mixed breeds? they DIED because you BOUGHT a dog and they had nowhere to go.

See the LITTLE dogs? They DIED because you BOUGHT a dog and they had nowhere to go.

Also please stop with the excuse “I can’t go to the pound it’s too depressing”

Really?? How do you think those animals feel, do you think it’s party time for them? Sitting in a hot (or cold depending on the season) cement kennel floor shaking with fear, the smell of the kill room in the air, wondering if you are next or will you get enough to eat because they toss kibble into the kennel and you have to fight the other dogs for it? Really? DEPRESSING FOR YOU? Maybe more like an inconvenience.  Put yourself in their paws, woman and man up and go there and choose a pet and SAVE A DAMN LIFE.

Please I beg you, be Kind. Be Compassionate. Open your heart to a dog or cat or bunny or your choice of pet and FOSTER or ADOPT. 

It will make you a better person.

That’s the truth.

Zizi Zarkadas resides in Los Angeles with a small zoo of foster fails and has been involved with dog rescue for over 20 years and is a long time volunteer with @bulliesandbuddies. Please support her by following her photo agency @loveartistsagency a small female owned business who specializes in diversity and spreading the word of  kindness and compassion for all beings human and animal.

Photo by Arjan Stalpers on Unsplash