There is much ado about Kim Kardashian being “flour bombed” this past week because of her (atrocious) fur wearing. Kimmy dear, flour is a pittance compared to the torturous, excruciating existence animals live and die on fur farms.
The celebrities who usually mock her have been taking to twitter to “poor Kim” up the wazoo, yes, poor billionaire Kim… got a little flour on her perfect hair (that she brushed off in seconds) but not the poor animals who were vaginally electrocuted, by the dozens, so she could wear ostentatious “fashions” that basically say “f* you” to her working class fans. An average Kim K fur costs upwards of $30,000, more than what most Americans make per year. But let’s keep saying “Poor Kim.”
Then there are the real compassionate types (cough) who say “Who care about animals? Leave Kim alone!” um.. we care about animals, because you don’t. Animals are gods gift to the world, much like humans, not here to mistreat or abuse. We don’t need fur coats, faux is just as luxe, and even the arctic explorers now wear synthetics for warmth. Get with it.
Hey, Kimmy, here are real photos from fur farms. If you can look at these and still not give a f*, you deserve to be bombed with flour at every event you go to til you get it. As writer Mikko Alanne tweeted; “Kim Kardashian’s gone to church to cope w/ being flour bombed. Skinning alive of animals for her endless vanity still no concern for her.”
If vanity is Kim’s sole purpose, let us remind her of the thousands of gorgeous kind beauties who would never ever ever wear fur; Natalie Portman, Pamela Anderson, Olivia Wilde, Emily Deschanel, Brigitte Bardot, Maggie Q, Eva Mendes, Christina Applegate, Persia White, and Kim’s very own sister Khloe!
Someone, please get Kim to really watch this video – this is what she (essentially America’s sweetheart – with the largest audience) promotes on the daily;
Today you can help by tweeting @KimKardashian letting her know what you think of her fur wearing and educating her (though PETA has reached out to her endless times and she has totally ignored them, further proving her heartlessness – she has been shown the footage and still doesn’t care.. leading us to wonder if she is a monster or a human?)
Applicably, our friend Jessica wrote us this note about her campaign, please support her big-hearted, kind efforts to end this hideous cruelty!
As most of you know, we’ve been running our INTERMIX: Please Go Fur Free campaign for about 5 months now. Our petition has over 32,000 signatures, we’ve had a few celebrities lend their voices/faces, we’ve hosted protests in LA, NY, DC, Chicago, & Miami, my blog posts about Intermix have thousands of comments/reposts, and yet we have still heard nothing from the company.
We chose to go after Intermix because they are known throughout the fashion world for being on top of current trends. If Intermix says something is in, people believe them. If Intermix says something (like fur) is horrific, people believe them. ( for a few of you who may not be too educated about the fur industry, here’s an intro from Stella McCartney)
What I’m asking is for you to do is sign our petition, join our photo campaign if you haven’t already, and/or to ask your twitter followers to tweet @INTERMIX and ask them to stop selling fur.
I truly believe this is a winnable campaign, and I won’t stop until they stop. Please, please, please help us save some lives and transform the industry.