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Shame on Iowa: Governor Signs Ag-Gag Bill to Protect Animal Abusers

Shame on Iowa: Governor Signs Ag-Gag Bill to Protect Animal Abusers

Iowa is on the verge of becoming the first state to sign into law a bill that makes criminals out of undercover investigators who expose cruelty to animals, corporate corruption, dangerous working conditions, environmental violations, or food safety concerns at factory farms.

What are pro-factory farm interests in Iowa trying so desperately to hide? See for yourself, and then help expose Iowa’s dirty secret by sharing this video with the world;

Undercover investigations by Mercy For Animals and other groups have led to landmark corporate animal welfare policy reforms, new and improved laws to protect farmed animals and the environment, felony convictions of animal abusers, increased consumer protection and food safety initiatives, and the closure of particularly corrupt facilities. Without undercover investigations, there are oftentimes no effective watchdogs protecting animals from egregious cruelty in these facilities.

It is now more important than ever before to expose the cruel and corrupt practices of factory farms nationwide.

What You Can Do:

Harmful and unconstitutional whistleblower-suppression legislation is now being considered in the following states.

See Also

If you live in one of these states, please take action below:

  • Illinois: HB 5143 – Take Action
  • New York: S 5172 – Take Action
  • Utah: HB 187 – Take Action
  • Florida: Section 6 of SB 1184/HB 1021 (Section 6 died)
  • Indiana: SB 184 (bill pending)
  • Minnesota: HF 1369/ SF 1118 (bill pending)
  • Missouri: SB 695 (bill pending)
  • Nebraska: LB 915 (bill pending)

via Mercy For Animals