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Join Us For Fashion’s Night Out In NYC!

Join Us For Fashion’s Night Out In NYC!

You may not know what Fashion’s Night Out is.. don’t feel bad. It’s certainly not mandatory like getting your teeth cleaned or scooping the litter box. But it is a very fun way to get discounts and shop late at night for one day a year.  According to the official site; “Fashion’s Night Out is an unprecedented global initiative created in 2009 in a partnership between American Vogue, the Council of Fashion Designers of America, NYC & Company, and the City of New York to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence, boost the industry’s economy, and put the fun back in shopping.”

What it really means is most stores stay open extra late (some til midnight!) on this one evening and offer all sorts of fun incentives (free food, discounts, prizes, goody bags, celebrity shoppers, etc) to their customers.  Yea, the original FNO was put together by Vogue (the fur industry’s main artery,) but we love that indie vegan-eco brands like Cri De Coeur can use the name of the evening to promote something always fabulous, cruelty-free, and green, and turn the main purpose of the event on it’s soul-less arse!   We’ve gotten in on this evening with a cruelty-free shopping evening (in NYC) for compassionistas!  We’d love to meet you in person, please join us.  And if you can’t, there will be another opportunity to meet us during fashion week (details on that coming soon) and you can always get online shopping discount codes for all your favorite eco-friendly brands on our hidden cheapskate page (you’ve got to be an insider to know where to click to find it… but, just this once we’ll give you the direct link.)