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Mother Dahhhling, I’m Back!

Mother Dahhhling, I’m Back!

Come April 18th you best fasten your Bouviers and your Beales right good, or you’re gonna be in for one bummmppy night of viewing on HBO.  Let the hemming and hawing quiet Ladies, Gentleman, and Drag Queens, for after April 18th, the actress we’ve come to know as Drew, talk out the crook of my mouth, “Thankkk yoouuu soooo much, I hate you mommy Jaid”  Barrymore should rightfully change her surname to Oscarmore or Geniusmore.  See the trailer for the new HBO film Grey Gardens yet?  Well, once you do you will quite litchrally (spelled to be spoken in proper British) grab a vagina clip so as not to sissy in your drawers from excitement.  Drew Propermore transcends her skinny jeans and will likely be your new OLD favorite actress.  Kate Winslet who?  Blanchett…was she the sassy one on Golden Girls?  Meryl Streep, is that the young gal from the Roseane Barr filUM?  Yep, the Grey Gardens trailer alone leaves a quiverin’ in your capelet, towel skirrrit and broach.  Oh, you forgot about Jessica Lange?  Never bet against Lange, Motherrrr Dahhhlinggs.  I dare you to pull out your copy of the Mayles Brothers “Grey Gardens” documentary and compare it to the new HBO film and ask yourself this:  Is that Jessica Lange or did Big Edie come back from the dead?     Watch it below STAT!

If you have not yet seen the classic, brilliant documentary Grey Gardens, I suggest you watch it before viewing the HBO film.  If you have any ounce of crazy in you, any modicom of enjoying observing crazy or if you’ve ever, in a private moment run around your house with a martini glass, long cigarette holder and a proper petty coat saying things like “oh yeah you little evil pig, I saw you, it was at Schwabs, it was a-rainin’ cats and kittens out there little piglet…and you, you were lookin’ for the diamonds so hand ’em over pidgeon…” then Grey Gardens is a world you will want to enter and devour. And one of the most integral parts to remaking the famed 1973 documentary by Albert and David Maysles is the fabulous fashion, and boy does this film deliver, ladies n’ fags!

Must watch!PIN IT

The real Big and Lil Edie;

See Also

Guest-Blogger Matt Boren is a television and film actor/ writer.  He recently starred in the much lauded Sundance darling “Mommas Man” and recurs as Stuart on “How I Met Your Mother.”  He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, daughter and two dogs.     You can watch his short film on the writers strike here, and his satire on facebook status update obsessions here. You can read his humorous account or being a new dad at