Imagine this: a feminist, veg-loving, animal-loving, breastfeeding Mother, who is also a Barnard brainaic married to a Doctor turned eco-activist, opens a synagogue for those who don’t feel at home at traditional synagogues and wants to explore their Judaism in a 21st century sort of way. Artists, explorers, half Jewish, mixed-religion couples, members of the LGBT community, rock n rollers, heart surgeons, atheists, athlete, vegans, open-minded thinkers are all embraced at this warm community in Venice, California called The Open Temple.
Imagine walking into a synagogue with no snide looks if your skirt is too short or you have a tattoo, imagine all veg-events that are kid and dog friendly! A synagogue where eco-ethics are the forefront of the agenda, it exists.
Now Rabbi Lori Schneide Shapiro is upping it a notch.
Imagine these two words: Jew Truck.
Imagine they became this:
Really. Imagine a Jew Truck rolling around town serving spiritual nourishment and Jewish enchantment at food truck gatherings, Art Crawls, Jew-y events, or in a parking lot at a State Park showing a movie. Imagine the community it could create for those seeking Jewish community outside of traditional synagogues. The Open Temple started in 2012 and is now really gaining momentum, and as a “pop-up community” Rabbi Lori is now starting a campaign to support the communities vision of what that might look like.

Enter the “Wandering Jewtruck; A Spiritual Food Truck.”
Here’s her plea to GGA Jews;
We’re moving this idea into reality through grant writing and crowd-funding and we need your help.
First – grant givers love seeing a lot of people give a little to an idea. That’s where you come in…
Might you be able to offer a donation from the heart (it’s tax deductible) to our cause? Whatever you can give would be great…plus, there’s SWAG (meaning, we give you something back)!
Here’s a link to learn more about the JewTruck and to offer your support:
Again, I am so in awe of what is happening here in Venice and West LA with the growth of Open Temple. There is a real need to capture all of the unaffiliated Jews and provide a home for them that matches their contemporary values. With the Jew Truck, I know that we can keep it rolling!
If you are a Los Angeles curious Jew looking for spiritual relief or a heightened state of consciousness, we highly recommend getting involved with this progressive community. Shabbat Shalom!