Chloé Jo Davis, founder of GirlieGirl Army – and our fearless leader – was interviewed by Katie Couric in June 28th’s episode of Katie entitled “Overparenting,” however what she shared was far from “Over.” Chloé & her husband interactive creative director Jeremy Davis were featured, alongside adorable clips of their beautiful vegan, breastfed, attachment parented, co-slept kids Panther Britain and Freedom Midnight.
Although Couric was exploring the effects of parenting “too much”, Chloé exemplified attachment parenting as the most natural, basic instinct of any parent wanting to give their children love, attention, and bonding. Chloé explains that children desperately need this closeness, and that we are lacking in a society of “cry it out” parents who view their newborn and children’s natural requirements as an inconvenience.
Don’t know what attachment parenting is? She’ll explain.
If you missed it – you can watch a clip of it below;
Attachment Parenting Advocate Chloé Jo Davis Goes Head-To-Head With Katie Couric