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Craft & Valor Reigns Supreme

Craft & Valor Reigns Supreme

Tis the era of the blog, the website, the mobile app, the digital product. 

Which means no matter what you do, whether you are a dermatologist or a ditch digger, you need or already have a website. Like business cards used to be, a website is now.

It’s your calling card.  It’s what separates you from your competition, and it should thoroughly represent you on your best day (like after 4 hours of hair and make up.) And you only have a split click through second to make that first impression. What you may think is a sufficient web presence may be the difference between you getting the gig or not.  In this day and age, a bad website will be judged.

If your site is aesthetically average and needs a mini facelift, or full blown interactive lipo – we’ve got your guy.

CraftandValor.comPIN IT

Craft & Valor is an interactive collective run by a hot vegan guy. 

Jeremy Davis is covered in tattoos, rides Ducati’s, and has won piles of awards for his brilliant design work.  He also doesn’t eat animals (score,) is a sexy young Dad to two gorgeous babies (double score,) and is married (7 years in) to your very own GirlieGirl Army Captain, Chloé Jo Davis.

He recently gave GGA a delicious Missoni inspired refreshing (he’s in the midst of a massive GGA overhaul – with new features and everything!)

But we also wanted to give credit where credit is due. Jeremy (& his brilliant worker bees) are fast, efficient, cool as f*ck, and excellent to work with.  Whether you are a tycoon or a start up DIY biz, they get it and will help you mold your vision (or wildest dreams) into (virtual) reality. Want to put your print magazine on an iPad? They’ve got you covered.  Make your tee shirt company’s website look like you have a couture fashion show each season in Paris? Done.

See Also
Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

Our point? Support your community and use Craft & Valor to upgrade your web presence, newsletter design, logo, or bring your genius mobile app to life.

Jeremy’s crew is diligent, gifted, and kind.  They are the kind of people you want to be in business with.   Iman, The Daily Beast, Highline Ballroom, NBC, Comedy Central, Comcast, Elle Magazine, Blackbook Magazine, ESPN and Our Hen House are just some of his clientele.  Now you.

Check them out (and the rest of their impressive client list) here: