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The World Peace Diet

The World Peace Diet

The World Peace Diet: How you can change your life and the world around you – simply by noshing differently.

If you’ve been reading GirlieGirl Army for a number of years, you may have already figured that there may be more to this vegan thing than looking great, feeling great, and being green. Not to say these aren’t important, of course, but according to the foxy and brilliant Dr. Will Tuttle, there’s a whole lot more to it. Veganism’s about creating a new world where peace, equality, sustainability, and freedom are actually possible.   Sounds totally idealistic?   Then you will love reading Tuttle’s critically acclaimed book, The World Peace Diet.


This is not a book that just summarizes what we already know, this is a book that presents a bold synthesis that shines a brilliant light on the hidden forces in our culture (and in our own heads!) that hold us back.

For example, the chapter “Domination of the Feminine” goes further than anything yet to illuminate the connections between our culture’s routine mistreatment of female animals-especially dairy cows and laying hens-and the ongoing suppression of women and the feminine principle of intuitive wisdom, which he refers to as “Sophia.” And the chapter “The Metaphysics of Food” is a real eye-opener too, showing how the metaphysical toxins in animal-based foods-the anxiety, fear, depression, and panic-are probably more damaging than the physical toxins. This is a provocative and illuminating read, and an ideal book to give to friends and family who just don’t get it -The World Peace Diet shows the big picture in a friendly, non-threatening, smart-pants way.

Now for the really good news! – There’s never been a better time to pick up your copy of The World Peace Diet. On Friday, March 12 (only),  anyone purchasing  The World Peace Diet  at  Amazon or Barnes & Noble will be eligible for lots of terrific bonus gifts (such as downloadable e-books, great raw and vegan recipes, audio, and more by well-respected authors; discount coupons (like 10% off anything from Vegan Essentials); and the chance to enter drawings for prizes (such as free dinner for 2 at Candle 79, stays at vegan resorts and healing centers, a signed and dedicated original art poster by Peter Max), and much more! Go here for the details:

Let’s help boost The World Peace Diet to the top of the bestseller list and create more opportunities for media conversations about the ramifications of our culture’s ongoing violence toward billions of animals for food and other products. This is the real goal of this promotion, according to Will Tuttle.   His pitch; “If you can let your friends know and buy a few copies as gifts to spread the word, we can bring the world of freedom and peace a little closer.”

In fact, Donald Watson, who coined the word “vegan” back in 1944 in England, passed away a few years ago at the ripe old age of 95, and the book he was having read to him by his son-in-law right up till his departure was this one, and he reportedly said that this book expresses “the essence and potential of the vegan message.”

Will (below) and his long-time vegan spouse Madeleine, a visionary artist from Switzerland, have now been travelling full-time in their solar-powered “rolling home” for 15 years, putting on 150 events yearly throughout North America to spread the message of compassion for all life.


See Also

The World Peace Diet is a fascinating journey of discovery, guiding us to see the liberating big picture of our culture, and learn how to live a life filled with freedom, joy, meaning, clarity, and yes, great skin as well. And we highly recommend you read it asap. To further sweeten the deal, The World Peace Diet is printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper and soy-based inks, so the eco-footprint of buying this book is tiny, and the eco-benefits are huge.

“Will Tuttle, the author of this eloquently written book, challenges our thinking about our relationship to non-human animals with respect, sensitivity, and grace. His understanding of the human psyche is deep. His use of language is divine, and his compassion reaches out and jumps off each and every page. I highly recommend this book, and I dare you to not be moved by its gentle power.” — Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, host of Compassionate Cooks

“Use The World Peace Diet as a guide to empower yourselves and others in making dietary choices that are powerful beyond what you can possibly imagine.” – Julia Butterfly Hill

If you’ve been meaning to get a copy of The World Peace Diet, Friday, March 12, is the day. If you’ve already got a copy, you might consider buying a copy for a friend or family member, or for your local library. You’ll be reading and sharing what may be one of the most transformational, liberating, and benevolent ideas in society today.   Go here for all the details: