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Video Exclusive: Girlie Girl Army & The Discerning Brute interview SARK

Video Exclusive: Girlie Girl Army & The Discerning Brute interview SARK

SARK is a best-selling author and artist, with over fifteen titles in print and well over two million books sold.   If you haven’t read any of her books – have you been hiding under a rock?   Her sisterspeak, heart liftingly delicious prose, and bright imaginative imagery has lifted us out of many a hard time and crap mood here at GGA HQ.   Lucky Chloe Jo (GirlieGirl Army Founder) had a chance to interview her at The Ivy Terrace, a completely precious NYC B&B she and her partner  Jacquelyn were staying with.   Joshua Katcher of The Discerning Brute and I got serious with SARK about masculinity, dream reaching, and what free indulgences the world has to offer us.

SARK has been teaching and leading extraordinary workshops for over twenty years.  She is a transformational role model offering inspiration and guidance to people in their process of living more powerfully and authentically, and being more actively creative on a daily basis.   We hope her words push you to live your creative dreams and make ’em real- cuz they sure did for us.

This is the second video segment featuring the Girlie Brute Duo!   Enjoy!

Yet another reason to fall in heartsville with SARK;

See Also


SARK is the founder and CEO of Planet SARK, a thriving business that  creates innovative products and services to support empowered living. Call her on the Inspiration Line at 415.546.3742 or visit  We highly recomend reading ALL her books! They are perfect for summer dreaming!

What did you do TODAY to further your creative dream?   Lettuce know in the comments section below;