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The Craziest Tasting Superfood Snack We’ve Ever Tried: Sacha Inchi

The Craziest Tasting Superfood Snack We’ve Ever Tried: Sacha Inchi

Sacha Inchi, a superfood up-and-comer that contain the Earth’s highest source of plant-based Omega-3’s is the strangest superfood we’ve tried recently due to it’s exceptionally unique taste and nutritional profile. Considered the “truffle of nuts,” Sacha Inchi seeds have more Omega-3’s than salmon with more protein than almonds, cashews and walnuts at 8.5 grams per serving, and contains all 8 essential amino acids. In fact, it is one of the best vegan sources of this essential fatty acid on the whole planet!  Known as the Inca peanut, these are the seeds of a plant (with that grows in the highlands of Peru. These rich nutty nuggets have a strong, delicious taste that border on fishy (we mean that in a delicious way.) Everyone who has come by the office recently has tried one and found them fascinating and yum.
Sacha Inchi, $21
Sacha Inchi, $21
You can incorporate this superfood into smoothies, stir-frys, nut butters, desserts, or just enjoy by the handful. Some fun recipes that use this seed: Acorn Squash Soup, Muscle Berry Smoothie Recipe, and Cacao Crunch Brownies!
There are numerous brands that are producing this seed now, but Imlak’esh Organics are the most sustainable producer of these super-seed, they are available on their website for $21, or you can buy the protein powder version on amazon. They are a strong, powerful flavor – so you’ll want to have a few here and there but maybe not eat them all day long. One thing is for sure, you’ll definitely want to add them into your snack rotation!

Sacha Inchi nutritional highlights:

  • 100% Certified Organic
  • Vegan / Gluten Free / GMO Free
  • 8.5 grams of protein per serving
  • 5 grams of fiber per serving
  • 11% Omega-9 per serving
  • 350% Daily Value of ALA per serving
  • 5 grams of Fiber per serving
  • Great source of calcium, iodine and iron
  • Ethically Sourced & Rainforest Friendly