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The Blueprint For Joy

The Blueprint For Joy

We know this blueprint to be being kind, choosing ahimsa, and keeping our spiritual selves and bodies activated.  Come learn from the masters themselves, Sharon Gannon & David Life this week at Jivamukti in NYC to explore the yogic plan for living joyfully based on Ahimsa/Non Harming, Unity Consciousness and Planetary Sustainability at the Jivamukti Tribe Gathering.

7 days of yoga with legendary yogis Sharon & David and Jivamukti teachers from around the Globe sound like your cup of tea? Don’t like to move much? Come for the special talks by Kris Carr, Alex Jamieson, Chloé Jo Davis, Dr. Neal Barnard, Colin Beavan (No Impact Man) & Tamar Samir or the Kirtan program featuring Donna DeLory & Gaura Vani and many other legendary green, vegan, and yogic superstars.  Energize your practice and become transformed.  This rare opportunity to ask questions of these teachers will give you spiritual insights that will awaken your heart.

There are about a million workshops that will blow your mind and body this week (go check the site for the entire schedule and to sign up) – we hope you’ll join GirlieGirl Army founder Chloé Jo Davis tomorrow at 2:15 for a talk on being a  ” Green Glamazon” and how to “Get the look to match your ethics” with her cohort Alexandra Jamieson.

The spiel;

Do you want to be a sexy, hot, compassionate bitch or bro and live eco- friendly without being a patchouli stinkin’ cliche? Okay, we kinda love patchouli too, but you are picking up what we are putting down. We will share the easiest things you can do to feel and look beautiful in bright, colorful, loving, sexy, sisterly – and a little outrageous – speak. This talk will be a calling to all spoiled yogi princesses, crafty mavens, and not-so-desperate housewives to ignite their eco superheroine; and guard themselves from the cancer causing Phylates in their nailpolish and the ethical conundrums of wearing Jimmy Choo’s. And we won’t just tell you to dump the toxic lipstick (who could live without a good red lip?!) – we are good girlfriends and wouldn’t leave you hanging like that! We’ll give you big, chunky blips of information which will tell you exactly how to live like an Environmental Glamazon who looks as good on the outside as s/he does on the inside.  Our talk is free and open to the public.

Location: 15 E 27 St (Between 5th & Madison Avenue) 2:15pm-3:15pm

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I'm Prepping For A Juicy, Plus-Sized Revolution



Alex is stuck out of state, so Simone Reyes (Running Russell) will be subbing in for her.  There are few people more glam or compassionate.