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How To Listen To Your Cravings Peacefully

How To Listen To Your Cravings Peacefully

Cravings are a hot topic in the vegan community right now, especially after two notable ex-vegan nutritionist experts have now taken to promoting the dangerous adage to “follow your cravings!” Amy & Anna Ferguson wanted to take on the topic of cravings. Amy is an well respected indie actress, model, and musician (Grandma Dirt) based in LA and Anna is a noted yoga teacher and co-creator of World Peace Yoga in Cincinnati and the Jubilee Peace Fest. Sisters, vegans, yogis and spiritual activists for life, they have a different take on the whole crave bacon/ eat bacon perspective. These women are exquisite inside and out, and in terms of happiness we’ll have what they are having. Here’s their take;

Crave Peace

Thoughts from the Sisters for Peace by Amy & Anna Ferguson.

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Most of us have cravings or addictions of some sort. An alcoholic craves alcohol, a heroin addict craves heroin. For these addictions, you would need a wellness programs similar to the ones available at Discover Recovery Alcohol Detox Centre. For other ‘normal addictions’, most of the human-animals have cravings for white sugar, white flour, flesh, dairy, eggs, and processed foods. We have been given these “foods” since birth, and have become addicted. But a craving doesn’t define necessity. Cravings are different than needs, and it is important to tune in and recognize the difference between a craving, and what is necessary for life. It is our choice to act on our cravings or to BE FREE from them. We’re not saying it is easy to overcome addictions and cravings, but it is certainly possible. And, we have so many outlets for support, education and inspiration to assist us with letting go of things that do not serve us.


Those who have transitioned to being a vegan are in recovery from the insanity of eating other animals for food. Even as vegans we may have lapses of frustration, anger, fear and anxiety partly from the years of abuse to our body from our addiction to eating other animals for food and partly from living in a culture that participates in violence of many forms on a regular basis. We suffer from ‘moral schizophrenia.’ No, we did not say, orthorexia, a term used to characterize people who develop an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy, we said ‘moral schizophrenia’. This moral confusion is deeply rooted and is the primary cause of our culture allowing poverty, starvation, homelessness, war and animal genocide to be the norm. We continue to this day to allow the existence of human slaves throughout the world. This is why veganism and practices such as yoga and meditation are so important. These practices keep us connected to the source of all that is while living in a culture of violence and working for change.

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See Also

It is only after we stop commodifying and exploiting other beings and adopt a vegan lifestyle that we begin the recovery process out of our addiction, denial and moral delusion. This process is not always easy, and it is possible to have fun and for it to be a great learning experience. Not every body is the same and each one of us has different needs. There are many options on a vegan diet. Some people thrive on a raw food diet, some prefer gluten free and so on. Some feel good with soy and wheat proteins, and others do better without. It is up to us to experiment and find what is best for our body type.

But it is possible, and delicious, and kind.

The essence of ahimsa, the Sanskrit word for non-harming is being kind, loving, virtuous, gentle, and respectful in all situations and in all circumstances to all beings and to the earth. We do our best each day to live with an awareness of our interconnectedness with all that is. In each breath and in each step, we practice seeing ourSelf in others, creating mutually beneficial relationships. The practice of ahimsa and veganism go hand in hand. So here’s to our health, and to the happiness of all beings everywhere! Together, let’s be the peaceful, tasty and delicious change we wish to see in the world.
