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Do You Have A Right To Know What’s In Your Food?

Do You Have A Right To Know What’s In Your Food?

When power couple Ruby Roth (author of “That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals” & “Vegan Is Love”) and her legendary artist boyfriend Justin Bua spend part of their super busy day phone banking, you know shit is serious.Ruby sent us an email today asking GirlieGirl Army readers to please help them get proposition 37 passed, we knew we had to help.

What the heck is prop 37? It’s just a simple label—like in 61 other countries, indicating if our food has been genetically engineered which eables us to make an informed choice about what foods are right for our families.  Big bad Monsanto is putting millions into getting this prop to not go through so they can continue to add creepy things to your food.  Let’s not let this happen.
Here’s Ruby’s request;
Sexy Activist Power Couple Ruby Roth & Justin Bua 

Urgent! Call a Californian and Help Pass the First Prop to Label GMOs!

This Tuesday, California may become the first U.S. state to require the labeling of genetically modified foods. Such an historic win could set a precedent for a new national standard—a standard which over 60 countries worldwide have already adopted—including Europe, China, Japan, and Russia. Don’t you think Americans should have the right to know what’s in our food? California’s PROP 37 merely labels genetically modified foods—it does not raise food prices or cost consumers a dime.
Unsurprisingly, the opposition—comprised of Monsanto and the other largest agri-chemical corporations in the world—is campaigning ferociously and fraudulently to keep GMOs a secret. Their ad spending has exceeded $40 million and is successfully confusing California voters….yet our YES ON PROP 37 TO LABEL GMOs is still ahead—but just by a hair!
Statistically, it’s a dead heat.
We need all the last-minute help we can get to secure the right to know what’s in our food. Please, please, please reach out to your California friends—call, Tweet, Facebook, Instagram, donate, phone-bank—anything you can to urge California voters to VOTE YES ON PROP 37 TO LABEL GMOs! Use: #CaRightToKnow and
For more info and the simple facts: