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The Magic Of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Magic Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can basically run the world, there is very little it can’t do.  According to health pioneer Patricia Bragg, ACV can is rich in enzymes and potassium, supports a healthy immune system, helps control weight, promotes digestion & ph Balance, helps soothe dry throats, helps remove body sludge toxins, helps maintain healthy skin, soothes irritated skin, and relieves muscle pain from exercise – along with numerous other benefits.

One of the reasons apple cider vinegar is so powerful is that it alkalizes your body. Based on your pH level, your body is either in more of an alkaline state or more in an acidic state.  Most foods are acid producing, but our optimal health state should be that of an alkaline state.  An easy way to stay alkaline is to consume mostly a raw foods diet.  But if you aren’t ready to take the nut cheese plunge, try simply adding ACV to your regular diet.


Try substituting some of these new tips from acupuncturist & herbal medicine pro Eliza Grimes and toss the more toxic beauty and household products you have been using in the garbage;

See Also

  • Ease Your Digestion: If your stomach is feeling a little off, try starting your day with 1-2 Tbsp of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). If struggling with the taste, mix it in a half a cup of warm water.
  • Smooth Your Skin: Use ACV to brighten your complexion and reduce blemishes. Start by washing your face and then steam for a couple of minutes with 4 cups water & 2 Tbsp of ACV. Follow up with an ACV toner directly on the skin. Remember to end with moisturizer.
  • Get Silky Smooth Hair: Try washing your hair with your own, chemical free shampoo by mixing ACV & baking soda. The results are surprisingly great! Check out the easy instructions HERE.
  • Blast Through Sinus Congestion: If you have stubborn nasal congestion trapped in the deep sinus cavities, try drinking 1-2 Tbsp of ACV in the morning. This is effective for stubborn chest congestion as well.

If you are intimidated by cooking with ACV, start by subbing it in for Balsamic in your salad dressings or marinades.  Better yet, make Gabrielle Brick’s recipe for kimchi, loaded with the health benefits of lowering cholesterol  to promoting intestinal health. Less of a raw foods fan and more of a buffalo wings type? Make this knock-their-socks-off Buffalo Tofu Recipe from The Vegan Soul Food Kitchen.

Which to buy? Go to your health food store and look for an organic, raw, unpasteurized version.  We love the Bragg brand and Eden Organics.