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Elisa Solomon’s Sunny Jewelry Makes Our Day

Elisa Solomon’s Sunny Jewelry Makes Our Day

We recently discovered Elisa Solomon‘s jewelry, and her pieces just appeal to our inner, sweetest, Gaia-loving 12 year old self who understand the strong balance between elegance and cute. All teensy hearts, peace signs, rainbows, animals, and uneven edges – Elisa Solomon’s shiny golden talisman simply make us smile and manifest good vibes.  Elisa, a Mom of two living in the NYC burbs, handmakes all her pieces and truly believes in the peace & love aesthetic she propagates. These are the daily pieces to wear mixed with your hand-beaded arm stacks and best vintage while tossing a baby over your shoulder, and blasting your Fleetwood Mac.  

We recently sat down with Elisa virtually to ask her a few questions about her art process, plus scroll to the bottom of the story for a GGA exclusive code for 10% off your next favorite piece of jewelry!

GGA: How’d you get into jewelry design?

Elisa: I was a creative child and I’ve always been extremely artistic. I knew from a young age that I wanted to make something wearable but I wasn’t interested in clothing. I’ve always adored accessories. Jewelry appealed to me because it can be worn no matter your size, it is passed down between generations, and the materials are valuable and precious.

What is your giveback company policy?

I’m proud to say I have paired with a tremendous variety of organizations since I started my business in 2008. I like to support organizations that request a donation for an auction. I think it is a small way to give back to a world that needs loving care.

What’s it like selling a luxury product during covid – have you noticed more or less sales? Is jewelry something that is uplifting spirits during a time where black tie gowns aren’t a thing?

Sales during COVID have continued to be very strong! I’ve made tons of jewelry and it’s honestly been a hugely wonderful outlet being creative every day. I also think we are all seeking connection while home. I hear from customers often and it’s nice getting to know people.

How do you manage Motherhood and crafting your pieces? Do you have a time management system?

This is a day to day challenge because I am a very hands on mother. My kids come first in everything I do. I honestly feel some guilt when I have to step away, but I know I am setting a good example showing them a strong work ethic and the passion for my work. I am lucky to have a really great support system when I have to carve out time to work. My husband is very hands on and I also have loving, supportive family close by. I work a lot at night, too!

Who is your inspiration?

My mom is my inspiration. She’s always known so much about jewelry. When I started tinkering at her kitchen table, dreaming up ideas and laying things out for my first collection, she had many amazing ideas. Bouncing ideas off of her is a key part of my design process! Second to my mom is John Lennon. I think of him and his impact and my mind just feels ready to create.

Favorite outfit to pair with one of your pieces?

I love a casual white summer dress with embroidery paired with Birkenstocks. With my 1 and 3 year old children and the East Coast weather right now, however, I’d say a cozy cashmere hoodie and matching pants!

5 songs that melt your bones?

  1. Imagine by John Lennon
  2. You Don’t Know How It Feels by Tom Petty
  3. Forever Young by Bob Dylan
  4. With A Little Help From My Friends by Joe Cocker
  5. Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts – my son is obsessed with the Cars movies and he loves this song!

What is your favorite book or painting, and how does art influence you?

My favorite painting is “I and The Village” by Marc Chagall. I love his use of color and the dreamlike quality to his paintings. My mom and I went to a great exhibit of his work when I lived in Manhattan.


BONUS: Elisa is offering all readers a 10% discount with code “GirlieGirlArmy” at check out!

See Also

Engraved Diamond Heart Studs, $1,170
Engraved Diamond Heart Studs, $1,170
Diamond Hoops, $3,100
Tie Dye Hoops, $3,100
Custom Eye Charm, $500
Misc Elisa Solomon Necklaces, prices vary
Misc Elisa Solomon Necklaces, prices vary
Misc Elisa Solomon Necklaces, prices vary
Misc Elisa Solomon Necklaces, prices vary
Misc Elisa Solomon Necklaces, prices vary
Misc Elisa Solomon Rings, prices vary
Custom Eyes Cuff Ring $1,510
Custom Eyes Cuff Ring $1,510
Mama Anklet, $830
Mama Anklet, $830
Opal Magic Flower Ring, $1,340
Opal Magic Flower Ring, $1,340

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All images are property of Elisa Solomon