Purple continues to be the color du jour — and from what I’ve seen from the ’09 collections, it look like the purple craze is going to continue well into fall. Purple is the color of Queens, Eggplant, and Amethyst. If poetry had a color, I think it would be this rich, majestic shade. If you’ve resisted the temptation up to this point, now is the time to inject the royal color into your wardrobe. Its truly as wearable as black, brown, or grey as these fabulous pieces (below) prove.PIN IT
From Left: Crossley Tank Dress, $198; Feral Childe Snap Top, $140; Loomstate Higher Learning Tee, $59; Eairth Ibaloi Balloon Dress, $325; AMIRA floral print dress, $145. All items above available at Kaight (83 Orchard St. NYC, 212.680.5630 info@kaightnyc.com, www.kaightshop.com)

Discount codes for a few of the above designers available exclusively to GirlieGirl army readers here.