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A 5 Second Trick To Turn White Wine To Bubbly At Home

A 5 Second Trick To Turn White Wine To Bubbly At Home

The empty cans of seltzer are piling up in your recycling bin, and you’ve got friends coming over for brunch in an hour – but no champagne for mimosas.  Is this a first world problem?  Yes.  Is there a solution for this problem? Also yes.  Enter the Drinkmate Beverage Carbonator – the ONLY machine on the market that can carbonate ANY liquid.  This significantly reduces plastic bottle usage by allowing you to carbonate anything you find in the fridge or pantry without the need to buy any plastic bottles and cans that end up in landfills. Each unit comes with a carbonator, carbonating bottle and CO2 cartridge – with no electricity required. Not only have I been making my kids “orange soda” (aka bubbly orange juice with water) – I’ve been carbonated my white wine (insert brain explode here.)  With both earth day and mother’s day upcoming, a Drinkmate would be the perfect gift to add to your kitchen gadget wish list!

Drinkmate, $85-164 (depending on package)

Here’s how:

Drinkmate Grapefruit Mimosas

Mix 1 part grapefruit juice with 2 parts chilled white wine (Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Riesling, etc)

Combine all liquid ingredients before carbonating.  Add to Drinkmate bottle.  Shake bottle to mix ingredients before carbonating. After carbonating, let stand 5 seconds, then release pressure, adjusting speed as needed to avoid foam reaching the top.  Pour into ice filled glass if desired.

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Sparkle and serve in a champagne flute glass. Garnish with a sprig of thyme because you’re fancy.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash