Have a raw cashew. Cashews are rich in magnesium, which is beneficial for promoting bone growth, not to mention they are chocked full of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals that can cause cancer. They also contain copper that is important for flexibility in bones, joints, and blood vessels, in addition to packing a high amount of dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on weight management.
According to this interesting article;
In the cashew, the ovary develops outside of the fruit, which really makes it a false fruit, since by definition fruits have seeds inside. The false fruit attached to the false nut looks like a pear with a little boxing glove hanging off the bottom. When ripe, the whole thing falls off the tree, and the bottom part is gathered for processing. The false fruit (called cashew fruit or cashew apple) is edible, but it is very perishable. It is often left to rot, but can be eaten raw, cooked, or used to make a liquor called feni. While the fruit and its juice are available in parts of the world where cashews grow, they are apparently too perishable to appear in stores in the US.

Cashews also make for an excellent raw cheesecake filling. We also use them to make nut cheeses, nut milks, and just about anything that needs a creamy texture.

Staying in the nut family, did you know that a handful of raw almonds gives you about 25% of your daily needs of magnesium and it has more calcium than cow’s milk? Almonds are also rich in antioxidants vitamin E and selenium. Studies suggest that they may play a key role in preventing colon cancer due to the high fiber content, and they also help lower negative forms of cholesterol in your blood.
via Earth Cafe