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A Parenting Magazine Worth Reading

A Parenting Magazine Worth Reading

GGA was introduced to NCW magazine over a year ago and was really impressed with their eco content, stunning photography and thought-provoking editorial direction. NCW is about sustainable living for the modern family. It is a truly one-of-a-kind publication.  GGA Founder Chloé Jo Davis is about to become a regular writer for them (hoorah!) and we deeply feel that of all the print magazines in the stratosphere, this one represents who GGA parents best. It’s for people like us: green conscious, animal lovers, design nerds, glam Moms, prolific parents, sexy Dads, and people who think before they eat.


NCW has started an awareness campaign to let families reflect on the source of the information they receive. They are asking parents to demand honest and unbiased information that truly matters: no green-washing, no vague legislation, no misleading labels. NCW works with a selected pool of advertisers, the underdogs, the mompreneurs, the small companies that are truly making a difference, creating better and healthier products but don’t have big budgets to promote themselves . They have decided to sacrifice profits and preserve editorial integrity and they are asking families to support them to be able to continue to provide honest and unbiased information that matters.

To achieve that they launched an Indiegogo campaign to create a parent-led distribution network that (skipping the newstands and their inflated fees) relies on parents to distribute the magazine and spread the word about their platform: The Ambassador Network. NCW will engage moms and dads across the nation to distribute the magazine at their schools, local events, sports practice and share it with their network of friends.

Barbara Manconi, Founder and CEO of NCW Magazine, states “Big corporations with their fat advertising budgets don’t just buy pages in magazines or banners on websites, they control the editorial content and direction of the most popular, and possibly, your favorite media outlets. They want you to believe that the worst choices for you and your family are the only ones available. They have lowered your expectations and numbed your brain.”


–> Pledge to become an Ambassador and help distribute NCW magazine to like-minded parents who you think will benefit (visit for more information)

–> Contribute with a donation to enable NCW to continue to produce their amazing and one-of-a-kind magazine and to make it available to as many parents as possible. Don’t worry – you get subscriptions for your donations, so it’s perfect for holiday gifts!

–> Share this post with your friends on social media networks so they learn about this important magazine and it doesn’t fall the way of many other beloved magazines in the internet age.



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