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Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Work From Bed

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Work From Bed

MattressNextDay asked Americans questions about findings regarding sleep duration, bedtime routines, technology usage, and partner dynamics, amongst other critical aspects of sleep quality.  They also asked what Americans do in bed other than Sleeping, and the results found the following:

What do you do in bed other than sleeping %
To watch movies / series 68%
Relations with partner 47%
To listen to music / podcasts 45%
Eating food 31%
To catch up with family and friends via calls, etc 28%
To meditate 27%
Drinking 20%
To work e.g., send / respond to emails, etc 19%

We are definitely guilty of all of the above, but is it healthy?

According to the Cleveland Health Clinic;

“Medical providers agree that working from your bed could disrupt your sleep schedule and actually make you less productive. Not to mention it can wreak havoc on your posture – causing you annoying aches and pain that could be avoided from a proper workplace setup.”

However, Real Simple says;

“You may even find you’re more relaxed, productive, or your creative juices flow more freely when you work from your bed. And that’s okay.”

See Also
Finding Ways To Sleep As The World Implodes

Wherever you find yourself – comfort is key – and you know what is best for you.

Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash